Two Halves of a Rainbow {4}

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P.O.V: Måne

Marriage was scary. Daniel was a rich handsome male who could probably marry whoever he wanted except for me. I wasn't ready to settle down. Who would be? I'm 24. I don't want to be held down. Not yet.

I sat at the kitchen table eating my breakfast. The sun shined down on me through the window. I smiled and thought of the now. Now was great. I never worried about the future or the past. It was like those thoughts had grown deeper down as I got older and always thought positively.

But one thought came back. It kept coming back. Where is he? I bit my nails. My grandma put her hand on my shoulder and I jumped so lost in myself. "Thinking about Daniel again?" My grandma said concerned.

"Yeah, ma-ma." I lied. I have mentioned Oliver once but, my grandmother had no idea who I was actually talking about. I sighed and and turned to look at her, "Actually, I have been thinking of someone else."

My grandma's full attention was on me now. "Who?" She asked interested. I looked down and began to explain. Oliver. The boy that stayed in my thoughts. The one that made it hard for me to walk up and down the streets because he was never there for me to glance at and ask simple questions about. The boy who made me think the worst situations for his life. Was he dead? Is he slowly dying outside? Where was he? Did he meet someone better than me and took their care instead of mine whilst running away into the sunset?

That was all silly. I was being silly. My grandma looked at me with sympathy. She knew very well my parents would never approve and are probably going to force me to marry Daniel. I frowned and looked up at my grandmother. She kissed my forehead and smiled, "Smile, dear. Don't worry about your parents. I'm the real parent. Do what you believe is best for yourself. What you want. Not what they want. And if you ever find him, bring him by for dinner. I'd love to meet him."

I nodded and smiled. "Thanks ma-ma." I stood and hugged her, "I am going to go find him!" My grandma smiled and pushed me up the stairs, "You go ahead, love."

I put on my tennis shoes and a pair of stretchy pants with a crop top. It was summer and I was going to go to the place I knew people would be staying most. It's hot outside so they'd want a cool place to sleep or just chill. I ran into the woods. It was the fastest way to the railroad tracks and it was an excellent way to avoid anybody I knew. My sister was going to tell me to give Daniel a chance. My mom would do the same. Daniel would beg for me to go back. Marilyn would ask to go to the club and try getting some rich guys there.

I dismissed the thoughts and continued running. My curly red hair was up in a ponytail. My eyes searched around for Oliver. I heard the horn of a train easing closer. I looked up and down the train tracks. A person with a dark jacket was standing next to the tracks. His back was facing the train as it passed by him. The wind blew his jacket, it resembled a wave of fabric. I gasped lightly. I had found him. I felt deep down that was him.

I slowly walked towards him. When he felt my presence he looked my way. His golden eyes watery and his hair being blown out of his face by the wind. I walked slower because I did not want to frighten him. When the train finally was out of ear reach I spoke softly, "Oliver."

He stood still and stared at me speechless. "Where have you been?" I asked like he was an old friend. I caught his gaze. He didn't want to see me. Why did I try so hard to find him? I wanted to talk to him though. Just standing in silence made me feel better. But he didn't want to see me. I could tell by the way he looked at me.

"What do you want?" He finally spoke, but it was soft. "I was worried. I needed to make sure you were okay. I haven't seen you in months." I answered.

When he looked away I did, too. "Måne." My name was said in a different and completely new way. I continued to look away because I had just realized how extremely dumb this all was. This weird concerned feeling I had for him. I didn't know him. I knew his name. I knew his age. That was it. I took a step back. "I'm so sorry." I whispered and turned around.

Two Halves of a RainbowWhere stories live. Discover now