Two Halves of a Rainbow {8}

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P.O.V: Måne

I looked at Oliver. He was all dressed up, just for me. All cute in his little fancy shirt and pants. Too fancy really, but it is still sweet. When was I going to tell him about Daniel? I couldn't do it now. I'd break his little heart. I can tell I really gained his trust. Maybe not enough though because I can also tell he is still hiding a lot.

He finished his drink and laid back staring at the sky. I smoothed out my dress and laid beside him. His raven hair tucked behind his ear; it made it so much easier for me to see his gorgeous eyes. I turned on my side to look at him. He smiled and looked back at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He chuckled. I shook my head smiling.

"Be quiet. I'm not even looking at you." I laid flat on my back and looked up at the fluffy clouds. He was the one staring at me now.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, where have you been leaving to for the past few days?" Oliver asked curiously. My heart dropped. I wasn't ready to answer this question, but I should have known he'd ask eventually. Was I going to tell him now? Maybe I should tell him afterwards, when the date was over.

I chuckled softly. "I'll tell you later, okay?" He sighed and stared up at the clouds with me, "Fair enough." I yawned. The late nights staying up worrying about Daniel were getting to me. He sat up, " You sound tired, lets go inside." I smiled and sat up with him. He stood and lifted me up. We stood in silence for a bit after he had lifted me to my feet. I had to remove my feelings I had for Oliver.

Daniel was in my life and my parents were going to keep him there rather I liked it or not. I took my hands from his and helped him pack up the picnic basket. He folded the blanket and took the basket from me.

"This was nice. Thank you, Oliver." I smiled at him softly and brushed my fingers through my hair. He smiled and I saw a tint of pink form on his cheeks. "It's my pleasure, Måne." I looked down and then back at him.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked.

He shook his head no. I arched a brow and tilted my head in confusion. "You have other plans?" I asked staring into his eyes. He chuckled and put the basket down; placing the blanket on top of it. He gently put his hand on my waist. I felt my face heat up. "We are going to dance." He said softly. He took my other hand in his and pulled me closer in each step he took.

Right. Left. Back. Front. Right. Left. Back. Front. Our steps were much larger than just dancing within a small box. He spun me and then dipped me. My hair nearly touched the grass.

P.O.V: Oliver

She looked up at me with a red face. When was I going to tell her that I liked her? I picked her up still gazing into her eyes. Like getting lost in a green abyss. I saw water form, though, in her eyes. My eyebrows stitched together. "Måne, are you alright?" I asked her quietly. I saw her face drain of all sweetness and build up into anger. "Why are you doing this? Why do I like you for?" A tear rolled down her cheek.

I frowned. Seeing her sad was like getting punched in the face. I didn't know what to tell her. I stood in silence. It seemed to hurt her more though. She wiped her eyes even though more tears fell afterwards. "I'm sorry..." I finally said letting go of her. Her breathing hitched as she turned around and walked away.

I stood there quietly. Something was going on. This all started when she came back the other day. I think she had mentioned something about her parents, but I'm not entirely sure. Her mother or father was doing something to make her feel this way.

I grabbed the basket and the blanket walking in the house to put it away. I could hear Måne silently whimpering in her room. This date was for me to tell my feelings, for me to brighten her mood a little.

It worked a little. She was smiling and the way she looked at me made my heart skip a beat. But I didn't get the chance to tell her how I felt. If I did she would probably be mad at me for liking her back.

She liked me back.

I just realized what she had said. She said she liked me. Of course it sounded horrible the way she had put it. Am I that much of a dweeb that she hates the fact she likes me? That is not healthy. I sighed walking to my room and pulling off my shirt and pants. I slipped on softer pants and a t-shirt. I ruffled my hair. I liked it long, but I think I'm gonna get a trim. Give myself some type of bang, so I can see.

I know what I'll do. I'll talk to Måne's grandma. Maybe she can help me out in telling Måne how I feel. Or I could write a letter and leave it at her door. Måne whimpering ceased. Maybe she fell asleep. I sat in my bed. I'll just wait for grandma to get home. I looked around the room. There wasn't much to do.

I closed my eyes and relaxed laying down. Rachel appeared in my mind. Her soft voice and her gorgeous singing. We sounded so good together.

"Please, not today. I'm too sleepy." She laid her head on my shoulder. "Fine, I'll sing for you then." I smiled and rubbed her back. "If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea- I'll sail the world to find you." She smiled wrapping her arms around me. "If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see- I'll be the light to guide you." I kissed her forehead. "Find out what we're made of- When we are called to help our friends in need." She began to sing with me holding my hand.

I smiled lightly humming the song I sang years ago.

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