Two Halves of a Rainbow {6}

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P.O.V: Måne

"Oliver? Where have you been? I've looked everywhere!" A girl showed up behind me. I pulled away from Oliver quickly. Not receiving the chance to kiss him. He looked at the girl and shrank a bit, "I didn't want to bother you. I was clearly interrupting your sex life."

"You worried me sick!" She yelled. "Don't make a scene, Kat. Let's discuss this somewhere else please." Oliver spoke calmly.

"No! Right here! Right in front of your-your whore!" Her face grew hot with anger.

Oliver stood, "She's not a whore!"

"I liked you! And you ran away from me! For her!" She pointed her long finger at me. It had a sharp painted black nail. I saw Oliver's emotions change. He was pissed. "I really could tell you liked me when you were sucking face with someone!"

So much drama today. I just wanted to relax. I slowly grabbed Oliver's hand and looked up at him, "Oliver." He looked down at me and his face softened. He called over a waiter, "Please, make her leave."

Kat gasped, speechless. "I cared for you for months and this is how I'm repaid."

Oliver waved her off, "We'll talk about this when you are calmer. Okay? Now go."

He sat back down and we both watched as she angrily stomped out of the building. "I'm sorry about that." He rubbed the nape of his neck.

It was fine, as long no more drama occured today. "You are forgiven because it wasn't your fault." We sat in silence. All you could hear was the voices of people nearby gossiping and making assumptions. I had regretted moving to the otherside of the table. We were so close to kissing. I blushed. Should I say something? Should I ask about how close we were? I chose to say nothing and it looked like he had made the same decision as I did.

Once we had decided what food we wanted, we ate and then left without a word spoken.

Everyday our conversations consisted of glances and a simple hello. Or if one of us needed something. He was right. I should have stopped before this awkwardness happened. I had to apologize or just say something him. I walked to his room. I knocked softly on the door. I heard him shuffle to the door. He opened it and welcomed me in. "Hey." I smiled at him.

He gave me a small smile back and then closed the door behind me. "Hi."

"So, about the other day." I so deeply did not want to do this. Oliver made me feel alive though. Real. He took in a breath and sat on his bed. His room was not dirty, which I appreciated because I am a neat freak sometimes. I stood in front of him. I was much too nervous to sit down. I entwined my fingers together.

He looked up at me and listened. I could tell I had his full attention. "About the other day..." I sighed trying to find the words. "I'm sorry." I said with the release of breath I was holding. His eyebrows furrowed, "Why are you apologizing?" I looked at him and got caught in his eyes. They were so beautiful. My cheeks flushed, "I caused this awkward tension between us." He chuckled, "It's okay. We're okay. We're still friends." The reassurance in his voice was so comforting. "We're okay." I repeated, feeling relief. He nodded and stood patting my back.

I smiled and my phone began to ring. It was my alarm. "It's getting late. Thank you, Oliver." I swiftly walked out the room and went to my own room to take my medicine and get ready for bed.

P.O.V: Oliver

I laid in my bed. Måne was all I could think about. I was so close. Kat got in the way though. Or maybe it was my fault. If I would had just talked to her after I had left. I put my face in my pillow. I ruin everything.

She wouldn't want to kiss you anyways.

I groaned and tried to block the thoughts.

Just another fucking failure. I always knew you would end up as one, son.

I know. Please shut up.


The voices began to scream. It wasn't just my father's voice this time. It was everyone's. Måne's voice was the loudest of all. I felt the tears well up. I pulled my knees to my chest and closed my eyes tightly. I had to be quiet because these walls were thin. I held my mouth and my stomach. My breathing had hitched and the tears had fallen fast.

My chest began to hurt and I didn't know what to do, but let it out. The screams had softened when I heard a soothing voice. It wasn't Måne's. It was Rachel's. My heart began to ache. I missed her so much. My stupid father ruined everything.

Instead of the sad feeling I had, it had evolved into anger. I stood and slowly left the house. I couldn't stay here, I felt myself about to blow. I walked into the woods and followed the path I had made when I was a kid. I haven't been to this place in a while. I barely glanced at the small structure before walking in and grabbing the bat that sat in the corner. It was holding a spider web together when I tore it apart.

"What did you ever know, dad?" I grumbled and swung the bat into a tree. Same spot I always had. The tree lightly damaged from all the times I had come here. I swung until my arms began to ache and the bat had broke into two. I stood breathing heavily and my heart racing. Rachel. I closed my eyes and sat against the tree.

"Oli, when did you ever love anything so much?" Her voice was sweet like a melody. I smiled at her and ran my fingers through my black and blonde hair. "When I met you." I said knowing that was the right way to put it. I saw her cheeks flush and she looked down at her hands. I kissed her cheek and scooted closer to her. She looked up at me and I could see the sparkle in her eyes, "Oh, Oli. I love you." I moved the hair that kept falling in her face behind her ear, "I love you, too, Rachel. With all of me, not just my heart." She got close to my face and held both my cheeks planting a soft kiss on my lips. I kissed back smiling and she stopped to giggle. "I can't wait to spend the rest of life having this feeling." She said whilst gently caressing one of my cheeks with her thumb. I held her waist and nodded, " You and me both."

I stared up at the night sky. Lightning lit it up as if I was watching a firework show. I could almost remember the smooth curves of her lips on mine. I could almost remember the way her laugh had sounded, but I couldn't remember. I felt the memory there, but I couldn't pull it forward. The only thing that echoed clear in my head was her last words.

Promise me...

I missed her more than anything. She made life better when I should have felt so much worse. Rachel was my everything. Now she's gone and I am never going to get her back. Rain began to pour and the last memory started to take over. Hot tears flooded my face as the cold rain washed them away.


I felt so alone. I couldn't love Måne. If I were to fall for Måne then bad things would happen, I had no doubt. Bad things always happened when something good had arrived. I closed my eyes and started to fall asleep where I sat.

Promise me that you'll still love me when I'm no longer here.

I promise.

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