18. Box

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Dark silhouettes of large figures looming over him with the smile of the sinister devil himself

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Dark silhouettes of large figures looming over him with the smile of the sinister devil himself.

He felt small and helpless as the figures surrounded him with their large and daunting frame.

One of the figures with a silhouette of a feather pointing out of a fedora-like hat
Peered down at him, the face of an evil smile spread on his face.

"Do you want to die?"

Feeling uneasy with the sudden question about death, he shook his head violently in fear of whatever this figure plans on doing to him.

The figure chuckled deeply.


It raised its hands which he had flinched at its movements towards his face.

The Figure caressed his left cheek in a slow and gruesome manner.

He shuddered at the cold and grimy touch of the figure's fingers.

"If you want to live," it spoke again with its low and chilling voice.

"You'll have to cooperate with me, right?"

He did not know what this thing wanted but whatever it was, he was willing to listen and
cooperate in order to save his neck.

"There, in the other realm, there is a box made of rosewood." It paused.
"I'm sure you've seen it before."

He recalled his memory of the description the figure had mentioned.

Even if he was speaking in a vague manner, he knows what he talking about.
He saw the box sitting on the same places he had encountered it.

Why would someone like him want with a useless box that might contain something simple as a necklace?

"Get me the box, you and those who you love dearly will be spared."

The figure vanished along with its entourage with a mist of smoke lingering in the air until it faded.

He stood there in the infinite darkness of his consciousness.

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