"Thanks, I wish everyone could listen as well as you." I tapped Brendon shoulder and he turned to me.

Are you the oldest?

Brendon sighed and looked down. I could practically see the wheels turning in his brain.

"Oldest?" He turned to me with an eyebrow raised. I nodded and Brendon let out a sigh. "Thank god I got that right. No, Dillon is two years older than me. But he doesn't do anything around here."

"He's actually not here." One of the kids on the couch said. I turned to see Brendon's mouth wide open.

"Who the hell has been watching you?!"

"No one. We didn't touch your surprise for your boyfriend." One of the kids on the couch said waving his hand in the air.

"He's not my boyfriend. And thank you, Ryan let me introduce you to my-" Brendon took a breath gritting his teeth. "Family." I nodded and set my stuff by the door and took my shoes off. "Don't do that honey, the floors aren't clean. We've also got two dogs." I blushed because Brendon called me honey!!!


Brendon smiled and grabbed my arm bringing me over to the couch. There were (now) three boys sitting on the couch. Two of them slouching with a bowl of popcorn in between them. The kid I learned to be Andy was sitting on he floor with great posture smiling. All of them had dark brown hair with dark brown eyes. They all looked like Brendon.

"Ryan, this one," Brendon pointed to the kid on the left. "Is Eli. He's really lazy and annoying." I smiled blushing and waved. He just rolled his eyes. "This One is Revi." He smiled and waved back at me. "And heres Andy." Andy smiled.

"Is this your new boyfriend?" Andy asked standing up and hugging my legs. I smiled and got down and hugged him. "He's nicer than the last one, can he stay?" I smiled and nodded before looking up at Brendon.

"He's gonna stay for awhile. But he's not my boyfriend." I nodded and kissed Andy's forehead. "And then the two nut jobs you saw running around earlier are the twins."

"Aka the double spawn of satan." Eli said from the couch. I smiled and covered my mouth with my sweater sleeve.

"Yes, Natalie and Nate." Brendon said smiling. I nodded, Brendon grabbed my hand and lead me to what I assumed was the garage.


I started pulling back from Brendon and he stopped. I pointed to my stuff.

"Just leave it there. The dogs are outside." I nodded and got excited hoping I could meet his dogs.

When Brendon grabbed my hand again I flushed bright red. He opened the door and pulled me inside closing the door behind us and locking it. I swallowed the spit in my mouth nervously.

"Ok, so I love you Ryan and I think you're a really good friend. And you mean so much to me. And I thought maybe as kinda like a token of friendship you could give me a tattoo above my heart?" I choked on the spit in my mouth and looked back at him to see if he was serious. Oh he was.

What do you mean?

"Err, I mean like I lay down on this table with my shirt off and you grab the tattoo gun and give me any tattoo above my heart, right here." Brendon put his hand over his heart smiling.

Will we get in trouble?

"I didn't understand that one." Brendon placed his phone in my hand and I went to notes (he didn't have a password on his phone) and tried to ignore his other notes. However I couldn't help but notice my name on three of them. I blushed but wrote out 'will we get in trouble'. "Oh no! My parents don't care! I already have a tattoo." My eyes widened as Brendon pulled the corner of his pants and underwear down revealing his hip. Sure enough on it was the outline of a leaf with the word: 'concurrent' inside of it. I smiled.

It's cool

"Ok ready?" I slowly nodded as Brendon tore his shirt off and laid down on the table. I had given Spencer a dot on his leg with a tattoo gun but that was at a parlor and the guy was holding my hand as I did it.

That's when Brendon reached out and picked it up handing it to me. I grabbed it and he turned it on and placed his hand over mine and guided it to his chest. I started freaking out once it was right about his heart.

"Whatever you want." I nodded and thought for a moment. I was an okay artist. I mean I could draw if I needed to but this is different.

I thought for a moment before deciding. I placed the tattoo gun onto his skin and started to move it. Brendon let out little hisses now and then. But I tried my best to ignore him.


"Done?" I nodded and grabbed the toilet paper and wiped the blood off of Brendon's chest. He smiled and got up walking to the full length mirror on the wall. "Wow, dude you're so good!" He turned around and hugged me. I smiled and hugged him back. "I love it." And with that Brendon kissed my cheek. I blushed and looked at it again. "And I get it, a safety pin. I thought you would just do a line." Brendon laughed and leaned into me.

I did too

Woah an update who would have thought
I'm so happy where this is going bc I know what I want to have happen
And I'm going to see love simon again today bc two of friends wanted to go who haven't seen it yet and I was like SURE I WANNA SEE IT AGAIN
also I really want a pop tart lol
But yeah sorry for not updating in forever
But I will try and update this more just the chapters take awhile to write
Also please go check out my Ryden AU's book I know there's only one part but I'm working on it
Also I will try and update my Peterick oneshot book again I'm sorry!

~enjoy killjoys~

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