Abruptly he turned around and walked to his desk. “I want you to write something. I don't care if it's a poem, short story, essay, whatever I don't care. I want to get to know your skills or as I assume, your lack of them. And now get out.”

Everyone started to pack their things together and head for the exit. Then Maya stood up. “Professor, I really think that you should give Aria a detention. She disrespected your rules and yo-

“Miss Maya, was it?” He interrupted her. She nodded slowly.

“Well, Aria has already earned three detentions. And I think that another one wouldn't do her so good. Because I don't think she can count to four.”

Aggressively she stormed out and closed the door behind her. When I finished packing up my things, I walked towards the professor, stopping a couple of steps in front of him.

He turned around and looked at me. “Can I help you?”

I didn't answer, he isn't the only one playing the game.

Starting to pack is things in his bag, he roughly pushed the chair to the side. “I asked what do you want?” He hissed through his teeth.

I frowned. “You know you should be careful, some people are quite fussy with using a different phrase while repeating yourself. Because of the different connotations and the receiver, who in this situation is me could have a different impre-

“Aren't you something else.” He said, interrupting me.

“I hope so.” I replied, teasingly.

“You broke so many rules today .” He said, coming in front of the table, leaning against it.

“Oh, I can't recall all of them.” I answered, sitting down on the desk behind me.

“Well, you laughed, insulted me and my work and you used your phone.”

“I did not insult your work.” I replied serious.

He leaned forward. “You did not? Wasn't that you, who said the reason why I am successful is that I am good at kissing peoples ass? Or did I get something wrong?”

“I wasn't insulting you, I was just realistic.”

“And then you actually first-name-basis-ed me!” He said and I could see his body tensing.

I tried to look surprised. “Oh, I thought you'd like that. I mean, Robert isn't a name to be ashamed of. Well, maybe a bit....but only a little.”

Teasingly I raised one eyebrow. He put on his jacket and moved closer. “In my 20 years as an educator, I have never met someone who is so disrespectful, untamable and cocky like you.”

“20 years? Really? Wow. You must be old.”

I think that reached the peak of his self-control. He came closer, really fast and leaned into me. I was pressed against the table and realized his strength. I should be scared, but was it wrong that I seriously got turned on?

“Nervous?” He asked, grinning at me, looking at my hands and back to my eyes.

I slightly shook my head. “I wouldn't know why.” Crossing my hands behind my back.

“Didn't I tell you to stop being cocky?” He said.

I could feel his breath on my lips, controlling myself for not pulling him closer.

“Or what?.”

His deep laughter let me shiver. “How old are you?”

Without moving away or hesitation I answered. “18.”

Then suddenly he let go. And mumbled something to himself. “Well, and legal.”

Did he just make sure I was legal? Oh. my. god.

These dark eyes seemed to seduce me without a care.

“You still have my phone.” I said, changing the topic. Trying to cool the tension down.

He frowned and reached inside the inner pocket of his jacket. “Yes, I remember. You want it back?”

Holding it right next to my head. Coming closer, inch to inch.

If I wouldn't get out of this classroom, my feelings would probably make me do stuff I could regret. So I figured, if he can turn me on. Well, let's try...

I leaned forward, slowly but demanding, pressing my body against his. Sliding down from the desk, I pushed him backwards, never breaking the look at his eyes. He followed my lead, stumbling a bit, backwards, until he reached his desk.

I leaned into him, putting one hand against his chest, feeling his warm body under the blue shirt. His heart beating.

“Downey, you just make me....”

He smiled, his body tensing under my touch. “What do I make you Aria? Tell me....”

Moving closer, he looked to my lips and back to my eyes. I caressed his chest and moved my hand towards his tie, loosening it, opening the first two buttons of his shirt. Meanwhile with the other hand, I pulled his shirt out of his jeans. It was so hard, not giving in!

He didn't move, just looked at me, his hands on my back, pulling me a bit closer. I was sure that this wasn't the first time, he got private with a student.

I rested my eyes on his lips, biting my own.

And in one swift moment, I grabbed my phone from his hand, turned around and walked towards the door. Quickly opening it and shutting it behind me. As I walked down the hallway, I could here the door open with a loud sound. And I could hear him shout. “You still have a detention!”

I turned around laughing. “I'm so sorry Downey! But I can't count to four!”

Opening the front entrance door, leaving him standing in the middle of the hallway, with a messy shirt, peeping out of his pants and slightly unbuttoned, I thought that maybe these two months won't be so bad at all.

Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang (Teacher-Student Romance Robert Downey Jr.)Where stories live. Discover now