"Why... Him?" He drew out again ignoring my questions.

"No. You answer me."

"I asked you first." He replies. I spin on my heels and march into the kitchen, one place I hadn't packed yet.

Grabbing the kettle, I fill it with water and flick it on for background noise. I had grown accustomed to the noise of the water boiling and the heating element warming up.

"So you're going to ignore me?" He asks.

"That's rich. Coming from how you've been since you've found out." I answer grabbing a mug.

I'm making coffee nobody wants...

"Can you blame me? I spent weeks, weeks Katy, sat beside your hospital bed, along with Aaron. Watching over you. Hoping you'd move a finger, praying someone up there would hear me enough to make you better. I had sleepless nights, I never left my phone. Ask Diana, I was a nightmare, all because I cared for you. Aaron sat with you when he couldn't sleep. The man has reached a ridiculous level on candy crush because he was sat with you.."

I bit my lip hard.

"We've all be worried sick about you. But the one person, the one person who should have been by your side, wasn't. You know why? Because he was entertaining women. Whilst you're on deaths door, knocking and waiting for an answer. He was out doing what he does."

"He told me.. About the women." I lie.

"I bet..."

"He told me his reasons for not going to the hospital. But did you know that he rang everyday?"

His eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"My doctor told me that. Zak doesn't know that I know..."

"My point is, we stayed with you. And you couldn't tell us. We find out when you're both clinging to each other."

I feel the fire lick at my blood, boiling it. "Did it ever occur to you that we didn't say a damn thing because we both knew you'd react like this?!"

"So this is my fault."

"W-what? No! I'm just... You're twisting it."

"Tell me then. Why him?" Billy asks again.

"It was never suppose to be him! We were never suppose to get to this stage! Christ Billy he doesn't match the 5 year plan of bullshit I had! Neither did almost dying in a crash! I know he's not marriage material. He doesn't do commitment and he hates the idea of children. The three things a woman wants in life. But since being with him, I don't want it."

"Because you're conforming to what he likes, women do it all the time for him!"

"No! He's just opened my mind to what my life could be like without it! We were only ever crutches, that was our plan. But we all know plans fail, things change!"

"Why him?! He's going to destroy everything good about you! You realise that, don't you?!"

I shook my head.

"Don't be naïve!"

"I'm not!" I roared back. I stop and grip the side as the room tilts.

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