Chap 25: See You Then

Start from the beginning

"You'll see. Just promise me you won't open it until your flight lands." Zach says and I nod my head. I continue to walk the other way again, except this time I was capable of going all the way. As much as I wanted to open it now, I have to keep my words. I went and grabbed my plane ticket, went through security, and waited in the line to board the plane.

I quickly find my seat on the plane, seeing that there was already a girl sitting on the seat right next to me. She looked around my age. She gives me a friendly smile, "Hey,"

"Hey," I reply.

"I'm Alice,"

"Kristen," I say along.

"So what brings you to New York?" Alice asks.

"Work," I take out a pair of earbuds, getting ready for a six-hour plane ride.

She nods, "Internship for Valencia Raquel?"

My eyes widen in shock, "How'd you know?"

"Well you look pretty young to already have a career so I figured it was an internship, and also I had an email notice saying that I would have a partner named Kristen around my age,"

I laugh lightly, "Oh,"

The rest of the night was spent have endless conversations with Alice and listening to music. I couldn't fall asleep due to the crying baby behind us, but luckily my earbuds managed to fill my ears with music. I'm currently in an apartment building assigned from the company to the people who lived outside of the city. There were two rooms, one for Alice and the other for me.

I unpack my stuff into the empty closet and charged my phone. Then I came across a letter in my backpack. Eager as I was, I ripped it up right open.

In it was a beautifully written paragraph about  Zach's thoughts and feelings since day one. I smile like a big idiot at his dorkiness written on paper. Right when I reach the end of the letter, my phone starts to rapidly ring. I head over, unlocking it to see a facetime request from Jonah.

I hit accept, and five boys immediately appear on the screen. "Wow, miss me already?" I tease, putting my phone against something sturdy while I continue to unpack and organize my things.

"Shut up," Jack answers back, "Is that your room?"

"Yup," I say popping the 'p'. "It's a bit plain now, but wait until I get ahold of it tomorrow." I hear a couple of laughs through the laggy screen. "Where are you guys? Backstage?"

"Yeah, the show is about to start soon, but we couldn't go out without talking to you first." Jonah mention, making me a blush a little.

"Dang, that was really cheezy," Corbyn says, before getting a slap on the arm. "Ow, what the heck," he whines, throwing a punch back.

"Dude, break it up. You do realize that she can still hear you right?" Daniel comes in, stopping all the commotion. I laugh softly to myself.

"You guys are on in five," the stage manager told them. They all said their goodbyes and walked out to the stage. All but Zach.

I look at him confusedly, "What are you doing? Don't you have to perform?"

"Yeah, but I still have five minutes,"

"Okay? So what's up?" I ask.

"Nothing much, what about you?"

I shrug, "Well I just landed so not really. Oh, I met my roommate."

He clears his throat, "Really? Is he nice?" his voice drops.

"Oh yeah, really nice. She's the best." I emphasize on 'she'.

"I-uh-I knew that."

I playfully rolled my eyes at him. "If you say so."

"Zach, we need you out. NOW!" the same voice demands.

Zach groans, yelling back that he was coming. "We'll call you back when the show ends. When are we going to meet in person again?"

"A month," I say sadly.

"ZACH!" the stage managers calls once again. And means it.

"Okay, see you then," Zach says.

"Bye," I reply barely above a whisper, ending the video chat and putting my phone back on the charger. I lay down on the bed, facing the white ceiling. The room fell silent, no noise at all was made from the outdoors, my neighbors, or Alice. Not even a slight chirp from a bird. It was like the world is put on mute. I enjoyed every second of it, it felt so peaceful. "See you then," I say to myself breaking the spell all in three words.

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