"Come on dadda, let's go, daddy is already ready!" Tommy whines as he bursts through the draw, tugging on the trousers at Zayn's knee to get him out of the room.

Tommy was never patient, expecially when he was ready and dressed.

Spraying his cologne, Zayn chuckles picking Tommy up, placing him on his waist "Okay bub I'm ready, we can leave now" he says softly while Zayn closes the bedroom door and carefully walks down the stairs making sure he didn't miss a step.

"Go to daddy" Zayn says placing Tommy on the floor while Zayn grabs the gift bag, containing Niall's and Liam's wedding present.

Zayn exits the house as Harry follows with Tommy on his hip while he goes to the back to buckle Tommy up while Harry sits in the passenger seat while Zayn climbs into the driver's seat.

Starting the engine, Zayn pulls his seatbelt on "Harry, can you pass me the navigator please" Zayn says holding his hand out as he ajusts the rear mirror.

Harry reaches into the compartment while typing in the address for their venue as he hands it to Zayn without a word being said.

"Thanks" Zayn mumbles while hooking it up to the car and pulling out of their driveway.

It's been like this the whole week, Harry not saying a word to Zayn, just completely ignoring his other half to the best of his ability.

Zayn knows Harry was stubborn but this was just too far. Considering that it should be Zayn who should be angry; also Zayn is making an effort because he never wants their relationship to turn back to how it was before.

A dark horrid passed.

"We are going to the beach Tommy" Harry speaks out, because yes, Niall's and Liam's wedding was happening on the beach.

Clapping his hands excitedly, Tommy cheers "I like the beach, build sand castles daddy?" he questions hopefully.

Harry chuckles "Yeah, sure. But only if you behave at the wedding, okay babe?" he says.

"Yes, I behave" Tommy says while leaning back into his car seat with a wide evident grin on his face as he looks out of the window to see the trees and buildings lessening the more they drive.

Turning the corner, Zayn taps his fingers agaisnt the steering wheel as he hates sitting here in silence with Harry, it's the worst. He has so much to say but what's the use if Harry doesn't even care.

Zayn sighs "When are you going to talk to me?" he pipes up finally gathering enough courage to face rejection.

"Don't start this now" Harry states lowly, glancing out of the window, not daring to make ehyecontact with Zayn.

Frowning, Zayn breathes out deeply because he knows this is affecting him as much as it's affecting Harry...but it's also affecting Tommy, seeing his parents not cuddled on the sofa together while he plays with his toys is noticeable for the toddler.

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