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I’m happy for so many reasons, one of the closest people to me is back YAY! It was Christmas on Wednesday. I had a few parties this week. I WENT SHOPPING AND BOUGHT LOTS OF THINGS! AND…I SAW UNIONJ *screams* that was seriously beyond epic, I loved it so much…YAY YAY YAY! :D

Oh and thanks for all the support ♥♥♥

I hope you all had an amazing weekJ)

Sorry guys, I know a lot of authors updated on Christmas or did a Christmas special; but I’m not that awesome so I’m really sorry because I was just so busy >_<

This chapter is dedicated to @Reckless-Rebellion because when I asked for suggestions for this book’s fans, she said ‘Toy Soldiers’ which was just…ASDFGHJKL! Because the song fits and it’s just amazing and unique, so well done darling and sorry for the late dedication, I forgot to dedicate it on the last chapter, ahah! Love youuu xoxo

The Zarry GIF on the side, it’s of Zarry being all swaggy and uh Zayn checking out Harry’s bum, oops ;) -------------à>>>>

Well I wanted to read 1K for the New Year but it’s clearly not happening, siiiigh ahaha! So I was think because I write for all of you…maybe you could just fan/follow me. I mean it’s not much to ask. It’s just one click of the button, SO PLEEEEEEEEASE FOLLOW ME ;)

Fact: I LIKE FISH! :3

Hope you enjoy this chapter \(♥o♥)/


Feeling slightly sick, Zayn hangs up the phone in a rush while a million and one questions run through Zayn's mind, all concerning Harry's wellbeing.

Even though Zayn was definitely angry at Harry, he obviously did still care for him nonetheless, and also it was a human thing to do anyways.

That's how Zayn found himself rushing out of Niall's house, where he has been living, while ignoring all of the calls and shouts from Niall as he only had one person in mind.


Stepping onto the pedal, Zayn speeds down the motor way praying that everything will be okay.

He was probably driving passed the speed limit but right not he didn't even care, yet he checked his side mirrors just in case there was a police car nearby.

"Where's Harry, Harry Styles?" Zayn questions while panting heavily as he ran into the hospital after parking his car.

The receptionist raise her eyes and looks at Zayn "Harry who?" the middle aged women questions in a squeaky voice.

Zayn tried not to curse at the women, he breathed in deeply and exhaled "Styles, Harry Styles" Zayn repeats while biting his lip just to prevent himself from letting unwanted words to slip out of his mouth.

Toy [Zarry]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora