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A/N: OH MAAAA GAWWWWSH! XD Here is the first chapter, wow this is over due! I was meant to post it yesterday but I kept on getting distracted...plus One Direction were on Children In Need, so yeah I couldn't miss that! ;D

Just a warning, this chapter is quite short because I didn't want to drag the first chapter on as this is the chapter that sets the scene for everything else...so yeaaaaah :)

The GIF on the side is HILARIOUS! Zayn was waving at the crowd and Harry thought that Zayn was giving him a high-five...so Harry high-fived Zayn's wave o.O Ahaha, this is why I love Harry! So check that out ----->>>>

OH MY GOODNESS! You guys are seriously the bomb, the Prologue got 123 votes, over 1,000 reads and nearly 100 comments! I just really wish it keeps going like that, it really motivates me to write :)

So I'm here from the ending of Hate that I love you, this is just a new beginning...I hope you are all set for this story!

I'm dedicating this chapter to @Sh3sN0tAfraid because she was the first to comment, yeah I know I never do that but because it was the beginning the first comment meant a lot to me :) Plus she's amazing and yeaaah...she still hasn't PMed me...tut tut tut Ella ;P Love ya x

Anyone notice my Roman Numerals as the chapters now...it's all about the change ;)

Fact: I'm a Harry girl ^-^

Hope you enjoy this, and please make this just as successful as the prologue  \(♥o♥)/


"Let me sleep" Zayn whines as he buries his face into his soft white pillow, wondering if this was how a cloud felt like.

Since Zayn was little, he always wanted to know how a cloud felt like, did it taste like cotton candy as most stories said, or would your hand just travel right through it like air. While passing through the clouds in an airplane Zayn just wanted to break the window open and stick his chubby little arms out and grab the cloud. Sometimes Zayn tended to think things through a little too much, but that was just him.

Feeling little kisses on his shoulder, Zayn whines "Harry I want to sleep" Zayn mumbles, sleep still thick in his voice as he holds on to the plush duvet.

"But baby I've made you breakfast and it's nearly eleven, so wake up" Harry pleads while pouting as he leans down and trails kisses up Zayn's shoulder.

Zayn moans quietly "Not my fault that I'm tired, you kept me up most of the night" Zayn says cheekily.

"Well I told you not to bite your lip, but you didn't listen...you know it's my weakness when you do that plus I lose control" Harry purrs as he nibbles on Zayn's earlobe, tugging on it lightly.

Moaning again lightly, Zayn groans "Fine okay okay I am up!" Zayn declares as he gets up while glaring at Harry.

Harry chuckles "Thank you, that's all I ask for" Harry states while holding his hands up while acting innocent.

Rolling his eyes, Zayn grumbles "Let me just freshen up" he whispers as he pulls the duvet along with him as he was naked. 

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