Smiling brightly as he pulls away "Thanks, they're lovely, uh come in" Zayn announces as he steps aside for Jake to enter.

"Ah, now I get why Harry isn't here" Niall mumbles towards Liam as Liam sighs shaking his head thinking that Harry will never grow up or change his ways.

Zayn runs his hand through his hair nervously "Okay, head on through to the kitchen while I get us some beers" Zayn announces as he walks towards the conservatory while his guest seat themselves at the perfectly set table.

Heading back over towards the table, Zayn hands everyone a beer can as he takes a seat next to Jake, in front of Niall, as that was the only vacant seat left.

"So how has everyone been?" Zayn openly questions as everyone digs into their food, which was just roast beef with roast potatoes, gravy and steamed vegetables.

Jake cuts into his potatoes "Well I've got a new job actually" Jake announces while smirking as he sends a cheeky wink in Zayn's direction.

Raising his eyebrows, Liam nods "Oh really, what's that?" he asks, completely interested.

"I'm Zayn's new assistant" he says excitedly as he places the potato piece into his mouth as he chews it.

Niall chokes on his beer "Wait, what? Does Harry know about this?" Niall questions, feeling afraid in case things could go back to the way it was before.

Shaking his head, Zayn sighs "Uh no, I mean I didn't really get a chance to say anything really" he mumbles, giving Niall the look which implies that they would talk later.

"So how about you both?" Jake questions, wanting to change the subject, pointing his fork towards Liam and Niall, a grin plastered on his face as he knows that they are holding hands underneath the table.

Liam looks over at Jake "Well I just got promoted at the office to the deputy of our head quarters and hopefully by next year I shall be the boss" Liam says proudly as everyone fusses over how awesome that is while congratulating him.

Grinning brightly at Liam, Niall nods "Uh well I just work in the same building as Liam, but I'm the secretary to run and manage the events we organise" he informs as everyone smiles at him.

"And I am just running my own art business while doing an exhibition once a year, showcasing my art work in hopes for someone to buy it. But I also paint on requests" he adds on while eating a piece of carrot.

Liam raises his beer can "Well I think we all deserve a huge congratulations for making it this far" he announces as they all cheer and clink their cans with one another's.

Glancing at Zayn, Jake smiles "So how's Harry and little Tommy?" Jake questions.

"Harry is good, currently he stays at home and watches Tommy, but I think he might look for a small job on the side since Tommy has started to go nursery now, he's grown up so fast" Zayn says smiling sadly.

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