Start from the beginning

"Oh wow." Jack breathed.

"You betcha!" Kuzco backed him up.

Hans stopped tapping away at the chair's handrest. His glare moved to the discussing duo.

"She sounds...breathtaking." Jack sounded like he'd lost all the air in him. "Her voice..."

"Yes. My girlfriend sounds angelic, does she not?"

Jack turned quickly to face Hans. "Eh?"

"Well, yes. Did I not mention her? Oh, darn. I must have missed that out. We hardly speak about each other. It's one of those things we do."

Jack knew his mouth was slightly agape but what was really surprising was that he knew no words to fly out.

"Lucky you, that girl's voice is basically as clear as the frost of ice." Kuzco smiled at Hans.

Hans smiled back but it went a bit grim as he faced Jack. "And what's up with you?"

"No. No. Nothing. Didn't know you were on the dating train, dude."

"Well, we take what we can get. And we don't lose it."

"Why does she always wear all those jackets and cardigans and stuff? I noticed."

"Hmm." Hans leaned in and smirked. "You see, she's very sick. And she might have a wondrous voice but...she's not alright in the head. Not at all. Kind of loco."

Jack drew back a bit. "She's sick?"

"Pneumonia, my friend. One whiff of the cold weather and she's out. Like a candle. That delicate that she really needs someone by her side."


"So, not only am I her lover, but I'm also her guardian angel. I won't let anything harm a hair on my Elsa's little head."

Jack looked at this man. Lover?

He quickly looked away at the bedazzling girl on stage. She didn't look crazy. Didn't look like a sickler either. But the Pneumonia theory did explain why her skin was super pale and why she always covered up.

But for her being with Hans...and as lovers... something didn't quite add up.

Amidst all the singing and Elsa's breathtaking performance, nobody really noticed when Gaston slipped over to the Bimbettes and the Harem girls with a small wooden crate.

"Psst. Girls?" He smirked.

The sisters turned to him immediately. In seeing him, they squealed excitedly. "Gaston!"

"Shh." He used his gloved hand to shush them. "Mind doing me a favour?"

"Anything for you, Gaston!" Paulette shrilled.

"Any anything!" Claudette added.

"Any any anything." Piped Laurette.

"Well. The show's almost over and I'm bored to Milo Thatch size. Mind ending this show with a bang?" He raised up a brow.

"Will Any one get hurt?" Fuschia inquired.

"Well, what's the fun if no-one gets hurt?" He turned back to the French sisters and winked. "You in?"

"Anything for you, Gaston!"

The crowd continued to listen in awe as Elsa finally reached the close of the song.

"Oh wow." Hercules breathed.

"She's not that good." Vanessa crept up from behind him to stroke one of the red curls above his ears. Hercules winced and turned around, quickly turning back as Philip walked to the stage.

"A round of applause. Let's give a huge round of applause for this amazing never-before-seen performance." He took one of Elsa's hands and held it up high. "Elsa Winters everybody!"

The crowd went wild. It was like the school had saved the very best for last. Even Snow cheered with craze.

Elsa was beaming from ear to ear. She could see her sister and cousin giving het a standing ovation, alongside the members of her Law class. Almost everyone began to stand up and cheer for her. She could cry. She could honestly burst up in tears.

Then she heard it.


Then everything happened all too fast. The words registered as soon as she saw the first red tomato coming towards her. Quicker than lightening, it hit her straight in the temple, right between her eyes.

The force made her stumble back a bit. But she went crashing down as the fruits began to fly towards her in a storm.

The crowd began to stir in confusion. Amidst the chaos, she could hear someone yell angrily. "Gaston!"

Philip reached out to protect her but his palm slipped off her arm. Anna and Rapunzel began to run towards her but the flying tomatoes made it almost impossible.

Elsa could only let out a cry of dismay as she tried to shield her face with her arms. How on earth could anyone be so cruel?

"STOP IT!" A voice rang up next to her. A male voice.
Wiping the red paste from her face, she came eye to eye with the white haired boy she'd met at the diner.

He was looking straight into the crowd, directly at the two sets 8f triplets, who immediately put down the tomatoes in their hands. Gaston, on the other hand held on to his irritating smirk.

Jack quickly took Elsa's arm and helped her to her feet. "You went too far this time."

Elsa just continued to look at Jack wide-eyed. She didn't even want to imagine what she looked like with tomatoes on her face.

"Let's get you cleaned up." He whispered in her ear.

Elsa knew she didn't need any help. It was just as simple as her walking off the stage all by herself knowing fully well that Rapunzel and Anna would come to her aid. But she also knew she had no strength to argue this out.

Not even if it was to this total stranger.

Using her sleeve to wipe her eyes, she nodded vigorously at Jack. "We should."

Jack took her hand and both if them quickly walked off the stage. Both oblivious of the icy daggers Hans was shooting.

"I think we should call it a night. Hiccup!..." Philip whispered.

"Wait, I'm still up!" Merida ran up to both of them in the midst of all the confusion, bow in hand and sharp arrows slung across her back.

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