twenty two - searching

Start from the beginning

"I was actually going to start looking for Zayn to talk to him. I kind of blew up on him when I shouldn't have." I answered, not wanting to answer because honestly I didn't even know if I was. I just wanted to see him

"Yeah, you shouldn't have." Louis stated harshly. His tone caused me to tense up a little - I wasn't used to this side of him, the defensive side. This only confirmed my own thoughts that I shouldn't have reacted the way I did and I was starting to regret everything. Then there was the other part of my brain, the insecure part, which was telling me that Zayn had been lying to me about it all. He'd actually kissed her and enjoyed it. But I was fighting hard against the thoughts, I was started to realise that they weren't as reliable as I'd always thought. "And, I don't know. He basically just told me what had happened then left. I haven't heard from him so I'm hoping he's back in our room because God knows where he is if he's not." 

My hand ran over my face. "Are you kidding me? Oh my God this is my fault. If he's went and - "

"Georgia. We don't know he's not back yet, okay? If he's not, he's a big boy. He can look after himself." 

"Okay, yeah. Can you just - can you tell him I want to talk. If you see him before me, I mean." 

"Yeah, sure." And Louis started to walk past me before turning on his heels with a sigh. "He really cares about you, you know that right? Like, I'm petty sure he loves you. Oh my God, you should see your expression right now! Why do you look so shocked? I know you guys haven't said it yet, but it's obvious. Anyone can see how you feel about each other and that includes bitches like Lilly who can't stand seeing something they created fall to the ashes. That's why she's trying to hurt you guys. It's just - ah, shit. I'm not good at these meaningful speech things but you just need to hear this so don't zone out on me. So, right yeah, where was I? Okay, yeah, Zayn. Do you remember that night you went on that stupid date thing with the overly happy Irish one?"

"You mean Niall?"

"Yeah, that one. Anyway - the very first thing he said to me after you left was - and for the love of God please don't tell him I told you this because he'll fucking murder me - he said 'She's beautiful, isn't she Lou?' - "

My mind flashed back to that night when I'd heard Zayn mutter something to Louis and Louis saying "Yeah, she is mate." and a warm feeling filled my stomach at the thought of Zayn thinking I was beautiful back then. 

" - And he'd known you for what, like two months or something? I don't know if this changes anything, since I think you're planning on forgiving him anyway but I really hope this pushes you along a little more. I've literally never seen him become so smitten by someone so quickly or as intensely as he has with you. Not even with Lilly. Just - just think about that, yeah?" 

"Louis, I - "

"Don't need to say anything. And by don't need to I mean please don't. I'm embarrassed already I hate giving impassioned speeches. I'm going to go now .because I have a fucking hangover and I need to shower and lie in darkness for around thirty years. Happy fucking eighteenth to me."

That caused me to chuckle as he started to walk away. "Bye, Lou."

"Bye G-dog."


I brushed off what he said and walked out of the boys dorm feeling a lot more confident and a lot happier than I did before. Now I just needed to find Zayn. Within a few minutes, I was walking in the door of mine and Laurens room where she was lying on her bed with sunglasses on. 

"Hungover much?" I remarked with a smirk.

A groan was received in return as she rolled over onto her stomach. "Not so loud."

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