Yandere Kikyo x Luciano 🔪🖤

Comenzar desde el principio


The next day

Unknown Number
"I saw you talking to that girl the other day. What was that about?"

"Who are you?"

"I asked what was it about, Luciano."

"And I asked for your identification."

"I'm your lover."

"I'm not dating anyone."

"You will be soon."

"No I won't."

"I will make sure you'll never leave my side again"

"The hell."

Then the sound of glass shattering are heard from the downstairs livingroom.

"I'll see you later, Lucca."

Closing his phone, he slowly places it down and grabs a knife to head downstairs.

Turning on the lights, it turned out to be his dog that accidentally pushed a glass of water off from the table.

He sighed in relief and stroked her head. "Pika, don't scare me like that."

The next morning

Group Chat
"Hey, you guys want to head to a park or something today, we could discuss about what places we could go to for summer break."

"Can't we just text about it here?"

"Stop complaining you lazy brick, it's good for you."

"Is getting a sunburn THAT good?"

"For Celestia's sake."

"Ahahahah, I win this arguement, sucker."

"So are we going or not?"


"Screw you, screw you, screw you, see you, at the park."

At the park

Lani was the last one to arrive, yet someone was missing. "Is Yumi not here yet?"

"I haven't seen her." Yuri replied.

"Did she get sick?" Kyoko questioned.

"She would've texted me if she was." Lani looked with a concerned expression. "Let's go visit her."


At her doorstep

Knocking on the door, there was no response.

"Yumi! Open up the door! It's Lani! Mister Evans?! Anyone!!"

Worried, Kyoko looks in from the kitchen window and calls over the others. "Guys!! Over here!!"

They ran over and peeked in the window to make out a body on the floor.

Desperate, Lani breaks the window with a nearby hammer laying around the trash cans.

They climbed in, and Yuri was second to scream before Lani.

"Y-Yumi...? C-Come on... April 1st was weeks ago... bae... wake up..." Devastated, Lani tried to convince herself her girlfriend wasn't dead.

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