Chapter Fifteen

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It was a two day ride on the ferry until they finally reached the large set of islands, one of which was their destination.  The weather was very unpredictable and one minute they endured lots of rain, then in the very same breath the humidity was unbearable. 

Karin was on deck with Suigetsu, bickering loudly about how it was pointless to try and fish on a moving boat.  "It's not moving that fast, just shut up Karin!"

"Fine! Go ahead and look like a huge bimbo, see if I care." Karin folded her arm and rolled her eyes. "Would you just shut up already and hold this extra pole??"  Karin groaned and grabbed the pole from his hand, "Move over and let me show you how to fish..!" 

Jugo was seated on the opposite side of the boat. Well, actually, he was laying on the deck taking a nap in the sun..while it lasted. When the downpour began he migrated beneath the ferry's large veranda like structure to continue his nap.

Below deck, Hinata was curled up on one of the larger hard bunks. The floor was littered with napkins that had boiled over the small trash can next to her bunk. "It's still cold, Sasuke." She groaned and Sasuke tossed another blanket on her. "I don't see how, it's 90 degrees at least." Hinata sniffled and sneezed in a tattered napkin, "I feel horrible, I'm sorry.."

"You're going to the doctor as soon as we dock." Sasuke placed another pile of clean napkins on the small table next to her bunk. He dawned a pair of fish gloves and started cleaning up the mess of tattered rags in the floor. "Thank you, Sasuke.." He tied the bag together and placed it in the bin to be disposed of when they docked. Nearly immediately, Sasuke scrubbed his hands like some sort of germaphobe before making his way back to her bunk.

He pushed her bangs up and felt of her forehead. His hand was ice cold in comparison to her elevated fever. In response, he tucked her in tighter and placed wet rags around her neck, though he couldn't guarantee that they would be cold rags. What he really needed was some ice because he could almost swear to it that her fever was over 100.  "I'm sorry.." She squeaked out with a hoarse voice.  He took a wet cloth and started to wipe the sweat from her face and forehead. "Just hang in there, we'll dock tomorrow night.."

"I hate boats.." Hinata groaned in defeat. "Well then, try to sleep as much as you can." Sasuke opened the vents around their room to allow some fresh air in before stripping down to his pants and climbing onto the bunk behind her. 


That night another storm passed through on it's way back to water country, the land they had previously departed from. Hinata wasn't feeling so bad as her fever had broken from the many blankets Sasuke had buried her in. The rags around her neck were completely dried and stuck to her skin like peel and stick paper, from all the sweat she released. The moon was the only light she had gleaming down through the small, unusable, window on the side of the boat. She could see the waves as they crashed up against the side of the boat and the water left it's wet mark on the bottom of the thick glass window pane. 

The room was a nice temperature, not too hot and not too cold. Yet everyone seemed to be semi naked. Hinata looked across the room and could see Karin's pale naked leg poking out from behind the lengthy room dividing curtain. She shoved some of the blankets off of her and removed the dried rags. Despite the rags being dried, her clothes were soaking wet with sweat. "Eww.." She whispered and looked around the room for her bags of clothes. She found them right next to her bunk within arms reach. Sasuke must have put them there for her. She sighed and bit her lip, he really was sweet in his own way. Not to mention he took care of her and cleaned up after her.. he even came after her when she was abducted. 

Her soft gaze fell on his sleeping form behind her. He looked like an angel under the flood of moonlight. His dark, thick eyelashes fell on top of his cheek bones as if they had been, one by one, delicately placed by the stillest of professional hands. His dark hair was slicked back out of his face and stuck straight up like he had placed a fork in an electrical socket. 

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