Chapter Ten

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I'm taking a break from my drawing to update and edit around some on this story. Hopefully I'll weed out some of the bad grammar for everyone~ Author-Chan


Hinata reached the foot of the mountain the next morning, close to noon. Karin hadn't regained consciousness just yet, and Hinata managed to book them a room in a small inn. She flopped Karin on the bed and stripped most of her clothes off just so she could wipe her down with warm water and a cloth. She didn't seem to be running a fever, which was a good thing. 

Hinata sighed and plopped down beside her.  Her muscles ached from packing Karin all the way through the forest. She watched Karin sleep and monitored her through the day until dinner. It would only be a matter of hours before Sasuke and the others descended from the mountain. They would be expecting to see the girls waiting at the large wooden gate.  


Hinata soaked another cloth and replaced the one already on Karin's forehead. Hinata covered her up and tucked her in before heading to the bath to wash off.  Her mind was racing and she just needed a nice hot soak to relax her troubles. 

The bath was already prepared since it was a 24 hour luxury for the hotel. The amount she spent on the room  was something Sasuke could gripe at her for later..

She sunk down into the steaming, clear water and wrapped a warm towel around her head. This traveling business was no joke, but she would still take it over sitting back in the Leaf. She smiled knowing that because of her actions Neji had more of a chance of marrying whomever he chose to as well. Not only that, but she felt this entire experience had been renewing for her. She was able to breathe and travel freely and grow to whatever lengths she chose. She wasn't being pressured to marry anyone and she got to spend her time with Karin, whom she considered a good friend at this point.

She fought back the worry that threatened to come to surface. She did her best to convince herself that Sasuke and the others were alright and that whatever had caused the prior incident was taken care of.  Her relaxation was cut short when she heard a familiar voice on the other side of the hot bath, in the men's section. 

"When do you think the girls will get here?"

"I told you they are already here, I can sense Karin's chakra from a mile away."

The voices belonged to Jugo and Suigetsu. It seemed they were just on the other side of the bamboo wall. Hinata's eye twitched. Why was she even worried in the first place???

"I would like it if you two would shut up so I can enjoy this bath." Hinata rolled her eyes at the sound of Sasuke's irritated voice. 

"Is it rude not to invite them to the bath? I mean we were supposed to wait at the foot of the mountain.."

"If you wanted to stand there all night, you're more than welcome to go back, Suigetsu." Sasuke practically hissed out. Hinata quietly swam over to the bamboo wall and pressed her ear against it. She took note of the structure of the thin wall, as it cut off just a few inches below the surface of the water. Someone could easily swim underneath it. From what she could tell she was closest to Sasuke.

"I really didn't expect to see that weird blonde kid running around, you know the one that says he knew you forever ago?" Suigetsu stated, a little unsure of himself. 

"Hn." Naruto was there??? Hinata's brain was scrambling about looking for answers. Had they upset him by making off with the scroll?? Was that what he came for? Was he trying to kill Sasuke?

"I gotta say, I didn't expect him to be our ally in that fight." Jugo added on. 

Ally? Hinata leaned against the thin wall to maybe hear them better. "Maybe we should go get the girls, they might be worried.." Suigetsu stated, obviously in fear of Karin's wrath. 

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