Chapter Eight

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Hinata woke around noon that day and Karin was laying in Sasuke's spot. "Good morning~" She sang out with her feet in the air.

"Morning.." Hinata rose and looked around the tent. She couldn't hear anyone outside and Karin seemed to be the only chakra signature for miles, "..Where is everyone..?"

"Sasuke and the other lug heads took that scroll and headed toward the outskirts of town just about an hour ago. They didn't say what was going on,  Sasuke just said not to wake you."

"Oh.." Hinata stood up and stretched her hands toward the tent's ceiling. Her nails scraped the top gently before her shoulders slumped and her arms fell to her sides. She looked over at Karin whom had a smile on her face, "What?" Her smile grew bigger and bigger. "When I came to check on you guys, you were cuddled up to Sasuke like he was a giant teddy bear."


"Mmmhm. He was rubbing your back and playing with your was a sweet sight. Sasuke was just laying there so you could sleep peacefully."

"Oh shut up..!"

"It's true!"

"It is not!"

"Oh it so is." Karin's smile tuned into a smirk, "You two must have been pretty tired from traveling, huh?"

"Well lets talk about you and Suigetsu!" Karin's face turned red and she stuttered, "L-lets not!"

Karin groaned loudly and began to comb through her hair with her fingers, "I cannot wait until we stay in another hotel.."

"Same." The two were bored in their quiet campsite and all they had for entertainment was each other. "So, there is a pond a little ways off. Would you want to go swimming? Sasuke said we need to have camp packed up and ready to go by the time they return."

"He just keeps getting more and more bossy.." Hinata groaned and reluctantly agreed to help take down camp and sneak off to swim. "Do you think the guys will freak out when they see camp is gone and so are we?" Karin inquired with a giggle. "He'll probably rejoice." Hinata commented and hoisted a backpack onto her back. "Let's just get to this pond."


"Oh..this is nice." Hinata sunk down into the water, which had been heated by the sun. Out of the corner of her eye she witnessed Karin strip down completely before jumping in. "Is it necessary to be completely nude?"

"Well excus~sse me, Mrs. Prude."


"Sasuke is your Mr. Prude." Hinata sighed and allowed some tension to roll off her shoulders. Her mind wandered back to the conversation between Sasuke and herself. It didn't seem like she was as harsh on him now as she was when they first met. Either that or Sasuke simply liked it. She shooed the thought from her mind and focused on the more pressing matters at hand.

Even though she was fairly certain Sasuke wanted to destroy the Leaf, she had a sneaky suspicion that, that wasn't exactly the case. Hinata had a very good intuition and she had learned to trust it over the years. Her intuition was telling her that something else was going on and that Sasuke wasn't as sinister as he would like people to believe.

"Yoohoo~, hellooo~" Karin was waving her hand in front of Hinata's face, "You in there?"

"Yeah, sorry. What?"

"You have been zoning out a ton here lately. Anything you wanna talk about?"

"What's the point?" Hinata looked down at the floor of the pond through the crystal clear water. Karin remained silent, as if waiting for her explanation. It didn't seem like she was going to receive one unless she prodded a little. "Is this about Sasuke?"

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