Hard Work and Danger.

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Chapter 27

Today, Jawan and I were at the studio all day, recording and writing. He was sitting down with his phone, a notepad, a pen, his laptop, and some Hot Cheetos spread across the desk. I was sitting next to him wearing his big varsity jacket texting Bre. Jawan sighed heavy and put his head down on the table.

"What's wrong baby?" I said rubbing his back. "I can't think of anything to write." I kissed his cheek. "You want me to help you?" I said holding his hand. "If you can think of anything." he looked at me with a hopeless, tired look on his face. "Take a break you've been working on this for hours." I rubbed his back. He put the pen down and hugged me.

I kissed him and I hugged him again. He rested his head on my shoulder. "You seem really tired." I kissed his cheek. He sighed and I kept rubbing his back. "It's okay... we can go home if you want to, it's getting late." I said checking the time. "It's 11:30, and you've been working really hard today. We should go home." He sat back up and rubbed his eyes a little.

"Okay, but can you drive? I'm really tired and I don't want to fall asleep at the wheel." He said getting up stretching. "Sure, let's go." I got my purse and he took the other stuff. When we were walking out I saw Jacob holding hands with some girl getting in his car.

He looked at me and just kissed the girl out of nowhere. He looked at me while kissing her and I rolled my eyes. "C'mon." I held Jawan's hand tighter and we walked to the car.

I drove home with Jawan and he went straight to bed. We got home and Jawan went straight to sleep. "Babe, come to bed..." He whined from the bedroom while I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth. "I'm coming baby." I finished brushing my teeth and went in bed with him. He held me close and kissed my forehead. "I love you, goodnight." I looked at him and kissed his jawline. "I love you too, goodnight." I got closer in his arms and fell asleep.

Jawan went to the studio this morning and I had to go to rehearsals. I was in the dance studio with my new choreographer, Sean Bankhead. I had two songs finished and I had to practice performing them for the next few shows I had.

Sean was showing me the moves, step by step. When I learned it, We ran through the whole show routine, fixing any errors or mistakes. Jawan called me after practice, and I answered out of breathe. "Hey honey." he said.

"Hey J." I say breathing heavily. "Did you just finish rehearsal?" he asked, curiously. "Mhm..." He shot me another question. "Was it good?"

"Yeah, it was really fun... I want to show you the routines when we get home." I said smiling. "Okay baby, I'll be home a little late tonight, so if you want to come to the studio." He said. "Yeah, I'll be there, I have to go home and take a shower, then I'll be right over." I smiled. "Okay, see you in a little." He said in a caring tone. "Alright, I love you." I said, feeling a smile form across his face.

"I love you too baby, bye."

I hung up, hugged Sean, and left rehearsal. I went in the bathroom before I left, and when I was leaving I felt someone grab me and put their hand over my mouth. I screamed and they just whispered in my ear, "Shut up and you won't get hurt." I looked up at them, tears welling up into my while they dragged me to the door and into their car. They threw me in the backseat and I couldn't see the person in the driver's seat's face. They were wearing a black hoodie and a mask.

They started driving and I was scared to death. I was breathing heavily and I couldn't call anyone because the person took my purse too. "Who-Who are you?" I said, shaking. "I'm someone you love." The voice was really familiar but I couldn't put a finger on it.

"What are you gonna do to me?" I said looking down, crying. "That's only for me to know." The person smirked and kept driving. I broke down into tears, weeping in the backseat. The person behind the wheel heard me and parked the car looking back. "Hey, why you crying?" They said looking with worried eyes. "What do you mean why am I crying? Some random person just kidnapped me and is gonna do God knows what to me!"

"I'm not gonna hurt you...I love you too much to do that..." I looked up at the person and took a good look. I looked at their eyes and they were light brown, too beautiful for me to take my eyes off of. I had to analyze the person's features, no matter how attractive they were. I looked at the person's skin tone and recognized the complexion instantly.

"You love me?" I asked. "Yeah...we've known each other for a long time." I ripped the mask off of their face, and it was Jacob. I slapped him across the face and yelled at him.

"What the hell is wrong with you Jacob?! I can't believe you tried to fucking kidnap me!" I grabbed my purse and he tried fighting me back. He fought me, hitting and scratching my face. I punched him with left arm, while grabbing my purse with my right. He held his eye, yelling in pain. "You bitch!!" I grabbed my purse and ran out of the car, running around the corner and calling Jawan.

"Jawan, come pick me up." I wept, and cried on the phone. "Baby what's wrong?"

"Jacob tried to kidnap me, please baby, come pick me up." I said crying harder. "Okay, okay, boo I'm coming." Jawan picked me up seeing me by a bank and I ran into the car. I hugged him tightly and I cried on his shoulder. "I was so scared." He rubbed my back. "Sh... baby what happened?" He whispered. "Jacob kidnapped me from practice, but I recognized him so I took off his mask and we started fighting. I punched him in his eye took my purse..." He kept rubbing my back and kissed my forehead. "Okay boo, let's just go home okay?" I nodded in his arms and he drove home.

When I walked in I heard Jawan gasp and look at my arm. "Baby did Jacob do this to you?" I looked at my arm and there was a big gash where and a bruise. "Yes..." I said looking up at him. "Oh my God, he opened your stitches..." He looked at me sad and worried. "You look so scared, come here." He says, while I hugged him tight. I was shaking still and he rubbed my back. "It's okay, I'm right here." He kissed my cheek and wiped my tears looking in my eyes. "We're gonna stop him okay? Let's go to the police station." I started walking to the door, but first he took off his shirt and wrapped it around my arm. He went upstairs and put on a new shirt.

"I'm gonna put a little pressure on this okay?" I nodded and he pushed the shirt down on the cut. I screamed and pushed him. "It's for your own good Samantha, let me do this." he kept putting pressure on it and I cried. "Okay that's good for now okay?" I nodded still crying and he kissed me. "I'm sorry it hurt you baby, it was for your own good." he kissed my forehead and pulled me up from the couch and we went to the police station.

We got there and I told them everything. They said they'd call me back for questioning when they get Jacob. We went to the hospital so they could redo the stitches and went home.

He hugged me tight and kissed my forehead. "Are you better now?" he said holding my hand. I looked down and nodded. "Yeah...I'm better now..." I said in a soft tone. He kissed my cheek and held my hands "Go take a shower, you've had a long day." I nodded and started walking. "I love you." he said while I was walking. "I love you too." I said smiling weakly looking at him.

I took a shower and walked out with a towel wrapped around me and my wet, wavy hair down to my ribs. Jawan was in his boxers lying in bed watching TV, waiting for me to come to bed. I changed and went in bed with Jawan. He held me close trying not to hurt my stitches, and I cuddled into his arms. I was still kinda scared and traumatized from this whole thing. I held him as close as I could and he kissed my forehead.

"I'm here." he whispered. I smiled and closed my eyes drifting off to sleep with him holding me.

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