I'm What?

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Chapter 25 

"It doesnt't matter what we're going through, I'll always be there for you." 

- Anonymous 

Today Jawan and I had an interview and photoshoot together in New York for People Magazine, and I had to do a photoshoot for Seventeen Magazine. We landed in New York, and got in the hotel room. I laid flat on the bed and sighed. “Finally, a bed... I’m so jetlagged.” I said yawning. Jawan laid next to me as we stared at the ceiling. “Boo, it’s almost midnight and we didn’t eat, wanna order room service?” He said looking at me lazily. “Okay.” I rubbed my eyes and pecked his lips. “What do you want?” He rubbed my cheek and looked into my eyes. “I don’t know, just get something and then we’ll share it. I’m not starving.” He kissed my forehead comforting me because he knew I was tired. "Alright." 

I got under the covers and snuggled up in them while Jawan was on the phone. He hung up and held me close. “Try not to fall asleep yet okay?” I nodded slowly cuddling into his chest. A couple minutes later someone knocked the door and Jawan got up and opened it.

He came back and kissed my cheek. “Here baby.” He gave me a bite of his sandwich. “Thank you boo.” I said chewing. “No problem.” I opened my mouth for him to give me another bite and he brought the sandwich towards my mouth. “I’m gonna go brush my teeth and then I’m gonna go to bed.” I yawned and walked to the bathroom.

Jawan yelled across the room. “What time is the photoshoot!” I spit out my toothpaste and yelled back. “10!”  I used the mouthwash and went back in the room.

I laid next to him and kissed him. “Goodnight babe.” I said kissing his cheek. “Goodnight baby, love you.” He squeezed me and rubbed my back. “Love you too.” I laid down on his chest and he kissed my forehead.

The Next Morning...

I woke up this morning with Jawan shaking my lightly and whispering to me. “Babe, get up, we gotta go to the photoshoot.” he kissed my cheek. “Okay...” I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I walked into the bathroom where Jawan was brushing his teeth. I started brushing his teeth and he kissed me. “Good morning boo.” He said pulling away from my lips. I smiled and kissed him. “Good morning baby.” We got dressed and met the driver outside to take us to the photoshoot.

We walked in holding hands and talking. We saw the photographer and my new manager, Melanie, was there. We met the photographer and our stylists had our outfits ready. We had 3 different outfits: I had a sundress, and flats for one outfit, skinny jeans, a cute shirt, and sneakers for another, and a cocktail dress and heels for another.

We finished the photoshoot exhausted as ever. We finished around 6 and went straight to the hotel. Jawan and I walked in the hotel room tired and ready to fall asleep. “I’m gonna go take a shower.” I said getting up. I was going in the bathroom and Jawan stopped me. “Can I join you?” He asked biting his lip. I giggled, "Not tonight baby, tomorrow I promise." I kissed his cheek, and he sighed. "Fine."


Jawan woke me up again this morning and I put the sheets over my head as soon as he shook me. “Boo wake up, c’mon.” I groaned. “Baby, I’m nauseous.” He kissed my cheek and rubbed it. “Okay, just get up and if you don’t feel better we’ll come back okay?” I looked at him. “Okay.” I said looking into his eyes. “Alright boo c’mon.” he carried me and sat me on the bathroom counter. “Brush your teeth.” He gave me my toothbrush and my toothpaste.

“Fine...” I brushed my teeth and Jawan kissed me when I was done. I put on my sneakers, jeans and plain black t shirt. "Let's go babe." He grabbed my hand and we made our way downstairs to the car. 

We got to the photoshoot and they were doing my hair and makeup. They finally got my makeup done and they started doing my hair and wardrobe. They curled my hair, and I had a couple outfits. I had one with high top Nikes and some bright skinny jeans and a cute shirt and some accessories. They started shooting this one, and I had to jump up on a trampoline and make faces, take silly pictures in a photo booth, and just smile with my hair blowing for the cover.

Jawan was standing there just recording and taking pictures of everything and smiling at  me. I finished the first one and I hugged Jawan. “How was that one? Was I took smiley, too happy looking or...?” I asked nervously. “Babe, calm down... you were perfect.” He hugged me and kissed my neck. “Babe quit it, no kisses...” He smirked, "What you gonna do about it?" He kissed me sucking on my lips and squeezing my but.

"U-Um I gotta go change.” I blushed and walked into the dressing room to change. They straightened my hair and put it in a fishtail. I walked out and Jawan smiled. “You look nice.” I smiled. “Thank you baby." 

Jawan’s POV

I saw Samantha over there looking so beautiful smiling and laughing. She looked over at me and mouthed. ‘I love you'  to me. I smiled and mouthed back to her. ‘I love you too’. She smiled and went back to posing. She was smiling and her hair was blowing, making her look like a super model. She finished her last outfit, and sprinted to the bathroom.

I heard the door slam and I walked towards the door. “Baby, it’s me, are you okay?” I heard her throwing up and I opened the door. “Princess, what’s wrong?” I rubbed her back as she was throwing up. “Poor baby...” She got up and hugged me. “Baby, I feel nauseous again.” I kissed her forehead. “You want to go back to the hotel baby?” she shook her head no and spoke. “I have to do an interview with the magazine.” She sighed, “Okay boo.” I rubbed her back and she went to the interview.

Samantha’s POV

I walked over started the interview. The entire time all I could think about was getting back to the hotel. I felt like I was going to pass out. As soon as the interview was done, I changed and left with Jawan. We got into the hotel room, and I went into the shower.

When I got out of the shower I went to blow dried my hair. “Babe, can you get me my brush from the dresser!” He walked into the bathroom and passed me my brush, kissing my cheek. “Thanks boo.” He sat down and watched me blow dry my hair. I flat ironed it and Jawan smiled. “You look beautiful.” he kissed my forehead. “I’m wearing absolutely no makeup, sweatpants, a big t shirt and my hair in about 30 seconds is gonna be up in a messy bun. How do I look beautiful?” I said putting up my hair. “You just look gorgeous.” he walked towards me and held my waist. I was about to speak but I went over by the toilet and threw up. “Babe, c’mon I’m gonna take you to the corner store and I’m gonna get you some medicine.” He rubbed my back and I stood back up. “Okay...” I brushed my teeth and we walked down to the corner store. 

We walked in with him holding my hand and he picked up some medicine. “Boo boo I’m gonna go over here okay?” He nodded and I walked over by the pregnancy tests. I picked one up and paid for it before Jawan could see. “Baby, I was gonna pay for the stuff.” he said holding my waist. “It’s okay, I got it.” He paid for the other stuff and we left.

We got back to the hotel and I brought the pregnancy test with me to the bathroom. Jawan knocked the door while I was waiting for the results. “Babe, you’ve been in there for a while, you okay?”

“Y-Yeah baby I’m fine.” I answered nervously. “Okay boo, I have the medicine here if you need it.” I waited and waited and I finally got the results. I sighed and walked out of the bathroom.

“Jay boo.” I said looking down. “Yeah?” I sighed heavily. “I found out why I was so nauseous...” he looked worriedly. “Why?” I was playing with my fingers. “I’m .... I'm pregnant.”

Eternal Love: Jawan Harris Love Story [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now