Good News update...

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So first off I wanna say I'm a indecisive writer. I trash stories, chapters, and ideas on the regular. With that being said, I trashed my plot sheet for this story....

Not to worry. I wrote a new one that I've been reading over for a few days to see if I'm gonna keep it and I am. I'm am still equally as excited for this new plot sheet.

Anyways, the other plot sheet was long an strung out. I as a writer like yo kept my readers engaged. I felt that the other one got boring at times. With this new one if fixed those issues in my eyes.

I think this plot sheet is gonna make a shorter book. I'd rather  have a shorter really explosive book, then a boring one that went in waves.

Now that I'm back in action I gotta get back to proofreading this next chapter.

So all you that read this book, thank you for following me, voting and commenting, the whole sha-bang. Thank you. I'm still very excited for this story.

New chapter in like 20 minutes.

Hood Love✔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat