9. What is it, My breath that bad?

Comenzar desde el principio

We let Chuck go and I made sure he didn't tell anybody by threatening him. He said he promises he wouldn't, he better keep his promise or I swear to god he will lose his head next.

Me and Sweet Pea sat down at the bar and it was silent until I spoke up. "What have I done, Sweet Pea?" We turned to each other and he embraced me in a hug. "What you had to," he reassured me. We stopped hugging and ordered drinks. "Hey guys, what are you having?" Toni asked. "Surprise me," I told her and she looked towards Sweet Pea, waiting for his drink order. "Surprise us." He said with a smirk.

After 4 drinks I was hammered. I was a light weight and it didn't take a lot of alcohol to get me drunk. The only thing I could remember was chugging the forth drink.

Sweet Pea's POV:

She was drunk and kept asking for drinks but Toni refused to give her anything. Before she started throwing punches towards Toni, I decided to take her home to my trailer seeing as I couldn't find her keys in her pockets. I got in the car and Hunter was acting crazy. She is such a light weight and when she was drunk, her personality changed so much. She kept shouting at people outside when we drove past them and all I could do was laugh.

Once we got to mine, I carried her bridal style inside and she said. "Are you going to propose to me now?" "You are too drunk," I laughed. I placed her on the couch and waved bye but was stopped by Hunter saying my name. "Sweet Pea?" I turned around to see her sitting up. "Yeah?" I ask walking towards her. "Come closer," she told me and I did. She leaned towards me. "You know I love you right?" She whispered. I chuckled and she pulled me into a kiss. It was amazing. It was like firework we're going off behind me and everything was happening in slow motion. I realised that she was drunk and pulled away. "What is it, my breath that bad?" She jokes and used her hand to smell her breath. I laughed. "Your drunk and I'm not going to take advantage of you." I explained. "But that's what you do." She said. I looked at her with a confused look. "I don't do that.... anymore" I mumbled the last part. "Oh really, prove it." She pulled me on the couch and started kissing my neck, leaving marks. I tried pushing her off but she insisted to carry on. I didn't want to take advantage of her like this but I also wanted her to continue. I didn't want to stop it but, I had to. "STOP!" I screamed and pushed her off me while stepping away from the couch. "Guess you were telling the truth." She said smiling. "Night, Sweets." She turned around and started to sleep. What was that about? Who told her about me sleeping with other girls? That was a long time ago and I would never take advantage of her. I walked to my bedroom and got changed for bed and went to sleep.

Hunter's POV:

I woke up on an unfamiliar couch. I shot up and fell off the couch before holding my forehead. The pain was killing me and I knew that I had a hangover. I looked around and saw someone cooking in the kitchen. I recognised him when he turned around and smirked. "What happened?" I asked while getting up off the floor. "Well, you had four drinks at the bar, I brought you back here and you were saying you loved me, you kissed me and tried to do the dirty with me but I didn't want to take advantage of you so I stopped you. Then you fell asleep, woke up, fell off the couch, asked me what happened and here we are." He explained. "God, I'm sorry." I apologised. "It's fine," he reassured me. "I'm making pancakes." "How do you know my favourite breakfast?" I chuckled. "Lucky guess?" He said as if it was a question. "Maybe.." I said while squinting my eyes at him.

"Breakfast is served." He smiled and passed me my plate. "Wow..." I said, baffled at how good it looked. "I know, I'm a pretty good chef if I do say so myself." He chuckled while sitting in his seat. "Pretty good? This is amazing!" I muffled because I was eating while talking. "So, I wanted to talk to you about last night." He mentioned. I sighed, "What now?" I asked. "Well, you know how you tried to..." he coughed. "Anyway, you mentioned something about me taking advantage of girls." Oh no, I knew exactly what he was talking about. Why do I have to blurt out everything when I'm drunk. "Oh no, I'm sorry. My drunk self says anything she thinks." I apologised. "I think I need to explain something to you." He told me. I nodded my head for him to continue and gulped, ready for what was next. "So, last year, I was known to sleep around with drunk girls and leave them. But I promise you that I didn't do anything last night." He stopped and I reached out and touched his hand. I rubbed it before saying, "it's okay, that was in the past and I'm not going to judge you." "You should," he mumbled. "No I shouldn't," I repeated. He looked up at me and got up. I walked over to the kitchen next to him and he pulled my chin up.

I was looking up to him when he whispered, "I love you Hunter." "I love you too, Sweet Pea." He pulled me towards his face and the next thing I knew, our lips were touching. It was amazing. It was like fireworks were going off behind us and everything was in slow motion. We kept it going for a long time before I pulled away. "I've got some clothes that you can wear for school." Sweet Pea told me. SCHOOL! I totally forgot. My smile dropped as Sweet Pea's turned into a chuckle. "You forgot didn't you?" He asked, already knowing the answer. "No," I lied.

I walked into Sweet Pea's room and grabbed an oversized shirt, a hoodie and wore the shorts and flannel I wore yesterday. After getting changed in his bathroom I walked out and Sweet Pea was also getting changed. I stood there staring because, he looked hot, and he noticed. "Like what you see?" He smirked. "What if I don't?" I commented. "Well then..." he paused and pushed me on his bed. "I'm going to have to stay on top of you until you like what you see." "Okay, okay. I like what I see now can you get off of me?" I laughed. "Good," he kissed my jawline and got up from the bed. He put his shirt and his leather jacket on before pulling me off the bed. "Come on then, your my ride to school." I pulled him through his living room and out the door. We got to his car and he opened the door for me. "After you," he offered. "Thank you," I said while climbing in his car. He shut the door and walked over to his side. He got in and was about to set off but he spoke first, "can I ask you a question?" "Sure, ask away," I told him. "Why do you wear that flannel all the time? I've never seen you without it." I looked away. "Um, okay..." I paused. "When I lived with my mom and stepdad, I had a boyfriend. I had just turned 15 at the time and he was 17. He was much older than me but I didn't care because I loved him. This was his flannel and..." I stopped again before taking a breath. "He knew about how I hated my parents and were going to run away together. We were planning on going to New Jersey or Chicago. But... on the way there, I told him it was a stupid idea and we were in the middle of an argument when..." tears were starting to fall from my eyes. "He wasn't looking at the road and the car crashed. I survived but he didn't and this..." I looked down at the flannel "this is all I have left of him." It was silent until I felt two arms wrap around my body. I cried into Sweet Pea's chest as he rubbed my hair and kissed my forehead. "I'm so sorry, I should have never asked," he apologised. "No, you didn't know, it's not your fault." I reassured him. I moved back to my seat and Sweet Pea drove me to school. Once we were there, he turned me around to face him and I did. "I won't be able to pick you up and I probably won't see you until next week but I love you, babygirl. Stay strong without me." He said while kissing me. "I will, don't worry," I told him. I then got out of his car and waved him goodbye before he sped off.

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