Chapter 1

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((Laramie, Wyoming)) ((1800s))

(Just as quick disclaimer, this story does deal with real life tragedies, a lot of drama, and other heavy issues. So, I apologize if anyone is offended in some way, but that is never and will never be my intent. I hope someone will give this story a chance and enjoy. It is merely a work of fan fiction and for entertainment purposes only. Thank you. :-) )

It was a spring Tuesday morning in the small town of Laramie, Wyoming. Charlotte Morgan knew that she should probably be in the schoolhouse right now, just as all other eleven year old kids, like her, were. So, why was she wandering out and about, by herself, in a place she hardly even knew? Charlotte was asking herself this same exact question. Anyone who was from around these parts knew just how dangerous it was for a young girl to be alone and without any protection. However, danger, tragedy, and misery seemed to follow the young girl everywhere she went. That was the sad truth as to why she was out here and not in school today. She couldn't let them see the scars of abuse that covered nearly her entire body. She had just recently moved here, but, likely, almost everybody there already knew that she was the daughter of a mean, infamous alcoholic. Yet, they did not reach out or try to help her. Instead, she was misjudged, mocked, and looked down upon. Now, she was fleeing for her life and praying that her cruel father would not find her. She was desperate for help, but having no one to turn to.

Feeling overwhelmed, tired, and afraid, Charlotte continued walking. She had no idea of where she was going or what she was going to do. She was very thirsty and her feet hurt from steadily walking for so long. Charlotte was slightly comforted by the pretty scenery around her. Now that it was springtime, everything was anew. Flowers were budding and blooming forth; birds were busy in preparing their nests. It was such a beautiful and bright afternoon. But, nobody would have ever known of the hurt and turmoil that a certain, young girl harbored deep inside of her heart and soul. Charlotte felt utterly helpless and alone. Nobody seemed to care or even notice that she even existed. She felt like an invisible child. Sometimes, people might glance her way; but, then, they seemed to completely overlook her. Charlotte held so much pain in her heart..but she tried her best to fight back any tears. Maybe, it was shame or pride, or both? She couldn't seem to identify exactly why she felt the way she did, but she couldn't seem to help it.

Charlotte shook it off and continued walking on her way. She kept her eyes to the ground, while still trying to to pay attention to her surroundings. She had been walking probably for miles. She did not pause to look up, until she came to an abrupt stop, seeing a large ranch that lie only a few feet ahead. Her eyes widened in both surprise and in awe, as she curiously peered around. She certainly had never been out this way before! It was a very beautiful place. Charlotte felt nervous, knowing that she probably should not be here. Who knew what kinda people might live here? She would not want anybody to mistakenly think that she was trespassing or something. Well, perhaps, she sorta was..But, she hadn't meant to do it! Feeling uncertain, Charlotte started to turn back and head the opposite direction, but her heart went into a panic, as she realized that she was totally lost. She had no earthy idea of where she was; so, how would she ever find her way back? 'Oh great! Good goin', Charlotte!' She thought to herself. What was she to do now? Charlotte sighed shakily, as she started to turn around to leave as quickly as she possibly could. Charlotte was not really paying too much attention to what was right in front of her. She let out a frightened yelp, when she accidentally bumped into a metal bucket that was sitting on the ground. Her heart nearly leapt out of her chest. She pressed a shaky hand to her chest, trying to calm herself down. She had to get outta here. Now!

"Hey, Slim! Did you hear that?!"Charlotte froze upon hearing voices coming from a woodshed nearby. "Yeah! I heard it, Mike. And, quit hollerin' in my ear like that, would ya? You tryin' to blow my eardrums out?" She heard another masculine voice say in annoyance. "Oh! Sorry..." The younger male apologized. "Ah! It's probably nothin', Mikey. But I'll go check it out." A third voice spoke. Hearing this statement, Charlotte's heart began to beat wildly inside of her chest. Her first instinct was to start running as fast as she could. However, she realized that she didn't really have any time to escape before being caught. She had to act fast! She did both the dumbest and the only thing she could think to do at the moment. She dove into some bushes closest to her. Tears flooded her eyes, as she prayed that whoever it was wouldn't find her..or if they did, that they would, at least, show her some mercy. "Jess, ya think it might be a coon?" "Sh! Keep your voice down! And, no, Tiger. Raccoons don't come out in the daytime. You know that. Now, go on back inside like I told ya to." Charlotte tried her best effort to stay hidden, but she peeked out from behind the bushes for only a few seconds. Her eyes widened when she spotted a fairly tall, dark haired man, finely dressed in his "cowboy attire", and a young blonde boy, who didn't appear much older than her, tagging alongside him. Charlotte was afraid and anxious. She was also pretty young. But, that didn't stop her from noticing how strikingly, attractive the man was. She felt her cheeks pinken at the thought. What frightened the girl even more, was seeing a rifle in the man's hands. Oh good gracious! How did she manage to get herself into this mess? Charlotte had never felt so scared in her life before..well, not counting the awful times being subjected to her father's violent, drunken rage. She figured it might be wise to be brave and let them see that she wasn't any threat or anything. Her fear and anxiety stopped her. She huddled up on the ground, ignoring the prickly thorns from the wild bushes that were biting painfully into her flesh.

Charlotte sealed her eyes shut, expecting only the worst to happen. "Ah!What if it's one of them pesky bandits again?" The young boy said aloud. "Oh, hush! Do you ever know when to shut up?" "Nope!" The boy retorted proudly. The man, named Jess, stifled an annoyed grunt. "Well. If it was a bandit, they're not very smart, then, are they? Showing up in broad daylight?" He muttered coolly. "Well, like my Pa always said, them's-" Jess quickly cut the chirpy boy off. "Mike, don't you dare finish that sentence, boy. Or I'll tell Slim!" Jess threatened him. "Course, I do agree with you. But watch your language." That seemed to get his attention. "Oh no you won't tell Slim!" He tried to sound bold. Hearing this, Charlotte couldn't believe how disrespectful this kid sounded. She would never have been brave enough to talk back to somebody like *him*. Obviously, she had never seen nor met him before, but he was clearly a strong and authoritative man. Jess scoffed. "No. You're right. I've been meaning to teach you some manners myself for quite some time now. You sound like you need to be knocked down a peg." His tone became stern. Mikey backed down. He laughed sheepishly in response. "Oh. C'mon, Jess. Lighten up a bit. I was only messin' with you." "Yeah. Uh huh. That's what I thought. She was confused when she heard both of them start laughing for some reason. Charlotte sunk down further, when they suddenly grew quiet. She whimpered, hearing footsteps growing closer. Her body began to tremble with anxiety and more tears filled her eyes, feeling worried about what might happen to her when they found her.

Of course, any hope of not being caught was very short lived. She snapped her head up in fear, when she found a pair of eyes now staring down at her in open shock. "Huh? What? Hey, wait a minute! You're no raccoon or bandit, are ya?" The boy, Mike, spoke to her. Charlotte was too shaken up to give him a verbal answer. She just shook her head frantically, with wide eyes and tears spilling down her pale cheeks. Mikey was looking at her in curiosity and clear confusion. "Uh..." He slowly turned away and looked over his shoulder. "Uh, Jess?" He called to the older man. "What??" He yelled back. Mikey glanced back down at her for a brief second, before looking away again. "I think you might wanna put your gun away!" "Why?" Jess's voice grew closer. "'Cuz, apparently, it's not a raccoon or a bandit after all." Charlotte actually frowned at him for the way he said that. "Oh yeah? Then, what is it?" Jess replied sarcastically. He sounded somewhat amused. Mike waved him over. "It''s a girl!" He exclaimed. Charlotte's cheeks were flushed from pure embarrassment now. How awkward this situation must have been for them as well! "What? A girl?" "Yeah. A real live one!" Said Mike. "Mike, are you pullin' my leg?" Jess came over to where they were. But, he stopped, when his eyes fell on her. Charlotte cowered from both of them, not knowing what she would say to them. Or, how she would even begin to explain her way out of this. They both turned their attention to her. Both had blank looks on their faces. "Um, hello." Jess mumbled, looking puzzled. Folding his arms smugly across his chest, Mike smirked up at the taller, older man. "Ha! Told ya! And, you didn't believe me!" Jess turned to give Mikey a stern look. He leaned over to whisper something to him. "Why don't you go on back to the house and I'll see what this is all about?" Mike seemed hesitant to do so. He actually gave her a concerned look. "Aw. But, Jess! Look at her! She looks so scared." Mike argued. Jess shot him a single commanding look that would make it seem impossible to continue to disobey. "Now! Do as you're told." Mike looked frustrated, but he didn't have to be told twice. "Oh, alright!" Mikey huffed. He cast her another look of pity, before walking away, and leaving her alone with this scary cowboy. Charlotte felt even more intimidated by him. She stared up at him in silence. "Jess" was also staring at her for a good, two whole minutes before speaking again. "Hey, kid. What are you doin' here? I don't believe I've ever seen you around here before." He hesitated, when he actually got a good look at the girl. Jess frowned a bit, when he saw the pitiful child trembling in terror. "I..uh..I.." Charlotte stumbled over her words. She could hardly even think straight. Seeing how timid she was, Jess cautiously stepped closer towards her. To the girl's surprise, he appeared to be concerned. "Hey, now." He spoke softer to her. "What are ya doin' down here?" He asked curiously, as he leaned down some to study her more carefully. Charlotte was surprised by his soft tone of voice, but she was still overwhelmed. "I'm, I'm sorry." She whimpered, lowering her head sheepishly. Jess shook his head in confusion. "Well, you should come out of there. You're gettin' thorns all over you." He, now, sounded slightly scolding. He extended a hand down to her. "It's alright. I'm not gonna hurt ya." He tried to assure her. Charlotte could see that he didn't seem to mean her any harm, but she still wasn't so sure. She cautiously took his hand and he gently helped her to her feet. "T-Thank you." Charlotte murmured quietly, giving him a small smile. Jess's eyes widened, as he looked her over. "You're hurt." He stated, seeing how she struggled to even stand up. Charlotte bit her lip anxiously, refusing to answer him. He gazed down at the child with intense, piercing blue eyes. Seeing how he so easily towered over her, Charlotte was both startled and fascinated by him. Jess sighed heavily, as he held his hand out to her again.


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