The nightmare

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It was the middle of the night, the death of the day. This night was full of bad dreams. This day and this night were the worst in my life. I was doomed to an eternal hell. I want to tell what happened to me in this dark day. It was 8 pm. I was lying in bed within the boundaries of sleep. I was really tired. My eyes were closing. Darkness had won against light. A calm expression spread over my face. I was beginning to lose touch with my five senses. I was in a strange condition, in another world. My mind was in a deadlock. It was neither a dream nor a reality. The behaviour of my mind was stopped by something stronger than me; some fear, some darkness. I didn't really know what it was.The light in my bedroom went out. The rhythm of my heart accelerated. The time passed faster and a strange atmosphere filled the room. 

The devil of my life was here. It was like a curse.

My bedroom became Hell.  I hallucinated, and I had the impression that the floor was on fire. My eyes were on fire. I was a drug addict. My bedroom was the site of evil and I was the victim. My feelings were disturbed. I was an angel in a state of mind that did not allow me to distinguish between good and evil, between reality and dream. Some strange thing moved on the wall of my room.

There was a light source that was casting shadows. There shadows were Moving. They looked twisted, and appeared, somehow, to be exhausted. It was as if they were calling out to me and falling to the ground in a heap. I couldn't move, couldn't do anything. I was like a rock in a mountain. The sweat was running down on my white face. A great fear  seized all of me. All the gold of my memory dissolved in a lake of darkness.

The ghosts in my room were gazing at me with hatred. Their souls were like clothes hangers Swirling around in a storm. My head became heavier, and full of strange  memories . I was in pain.

The shadows  whispered dark sentences and lies.  Suddenly, a light blinded my eyes. This light was paradise. And an angel appeared.

This light was white like the souls of children. When I opened my eyes, I was troubled. Was it a dream? Was it reality? Only God knows that - assuming that God exists.

I sneezed. Then I heard and saw something ...

I know.

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