chapter16: forgiveness

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🎁🍔🎀🌹👑🔥daz my baby afreen up there, help me wish her a happy birthday.😍😘

I watched suwaibah regretfully dragged her filthy self up and came back a little later with her suitcase.
She looked up at me with a tear-stained face.
"Please Muneerah i know i wronged you.. but i know there is a place in your kind heart to forgive me. Am sorry."
I just nodded at her. I know i have to forgive her but she really hurt me wallah.
She slowly went out. Momma held my hand and said" sorry for that muneerah"
I just smiled and looked down.
After some minuted they left.
I went upstairs and sat on my bed thinking. Mansoor came in and sat beside me.
"Muneey am sorry. Am being selfish for not investigating on things that happen. I should have asked you first"
I said nothing.
"Inna lillahi baby did i do this to you!"
He. Said touching my bruised and swollen body.
I shrieked in pain as he touch a bruise on my arm.
He knelt in front of me.
"Am so sorry. I wont forgive myself for this. I was so mad that time. Dan Allah yaafam pls am sorry. Am a horrible husband!"
He said with tears in his eyes. I looked away. I don't think i can forgive him. Its not my bruises that worry me, its Aymanah's eye. She cant open her eyes.
I got more angry as i thought of that. I got up and went to the kids room.
I picked them and went back to my room. He is still there kneeling. I ignored him and kept them on the bed.
"Inna lillahi baby Aymanah"
He said when he saw her swollen eye. He tried to touch her but she shrieked and ran away from him. He looked hurt.
I picked her up.
"Why is she running from me"
"Ask her"
I said glaring at him. He got up and went out.
"Maami want ice cweam"
Ayman said.
"Ok wait for me"
I went downstairs to the kitchen and scooped the ice cream in a bowl.
I passed him in the sitting room. He looked at me but i just shunned him and went up.

It's been a week now but i was still angry at him. He've been following me, pleading with me to forgive him but i kept ignoring him.
I know i missed him but i have to punish him so that he will never think of raising a finger at me again.
I came back from work really tired, i picked my kids from the school, bathe them and put them to sleep.
I went downstairs and started cooking tuwo with miyan taushe for dinner.
I plugged in my earpiece and was listening to one of my favorite songs WASH by tekno.
I was wearing a knee-lenght trouser and an oversized T-shirt.
My hair was braided in a messy ponytail. I dropped my phone in my trouser pocket washing plate and dancing.
Someone grabbed my waist. I opened my mouth to shout but he covered my mouth with his hand.
It was Mansoor. I sigh in relieve and plugged out the earpiece.
"Hey douche you scared me out of my skin"
I said pouting.
"Am sorry."
I shrugged and continued washing dishes.
"You are still angry at me. Please forgive me i promise i wont repeat that again. Please lets go back to how we were before. Please wifey"
I let out a sigh. I have punished him enough. I looked at him and gave him my best warmhearted smile and pulled him for a hug.
"Maami shulaishu ish clying (mummy sudais is crying).
Aymanah is five years now but still cant talk properly.
I went upstairs and checked on him. He have stained his diaper. I bathe him and put him another diaper.
We sat down and ate dinner, chat a little and retired in for the night.

My feeful thanks for reading this chapter. Don't worry its coming to an end soon, maybe one or two chapters to go. Heart you loads.😘😍💋

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