chapter9: moving on

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         I woke up on a cool breezy Wednesday morning. It was my fourth week in Hong Kong. All I do is just watch movies at home, shop online, trying out new recipes, I hardly go out. And it was so hard trying to get my mind off Mansoor and what he did to me. It hurts so much to know that the man who loves me so dearly could hurt me this much. What I heard about men was true after all.

      Today, I was feeling kind of weak I don't know why.

I dragged myself lazily to the toilet and brushed my teeth, performed wuduh(ablution) and dragged myself out and prayed.

I sat on the prayer rug for some minutes doing tasbah (supplications).

    After I was done, I went to the kitchen and made myself a hot chocolate tea with toasted bread.

Immediately I finished eating I vomited all the food.

I weakly went back to my room and lied on the bed.

My head was aching very bad, all the veins in my body was hurting.

I wrapped myself up in a blanket and called a private hospital to send over a doctor.

After an hour, the doctor arrived. A lady in her mid-thirties. She examined me, asking few questions.

After she was done, she smiled at me and touched my cheek.

"Am happy to tell you that you are seven weeks pregnant!".

I was shocked beyond expression. How could I be pregnant for that ass of a Mansoor? He divorced me!

A painful tear dropped on my hot cheek. I quickly wiped it away and forced a smile.

"Really doctor?! So happy...thank you."

I paid her and she went away.

I slumped down in the couch and started crying.

I was happy on one side while sad on the other. That means I was three weeks pregnant when he divorced me.
I made up my mind am not going back to that house ever again.

I never thought momma and Sameerah will do all those things to me. They loved me, momma treated me like her own daughter when we first married.
Even that bullshit of a man, mansoor, I never thought he could raise a finger at me talk more of beating me.

Hot tears rushed from my eyes as I remembered what he told me the day he admitted love to me "muneerah I love you. I want to make you mine forever. I promise I wont hurt you. Please accept my love."

I accepted his love and all I got in return was slaps, insults, a second wife, then divorce, that was the worst part.

I dropped on my knees and cried. I cried all the pains out. I promised myself I will let go of my past.


That was how I spent a whole three months in Hong Kong. The pregnancy was giving me hard time, weakness, dizziness, headache, fever, everything.


I landed safely in Nigeria on a cool harmattan evening. I called sadeeq(for the first I was calling anyone in Nigeria since I left) to come and pick me at the airport. I had asked Haleemah to give him the keys of my bentley before I left.

"Anty muneey!".

He exclaimed and hugged me.

"Wow sadeeq you have grown big. I missed you wallahi".

I said, hugging him back.

I was wearing a knee length jacket and a small himar so he didn't notice my bumpy stomach.

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