Chapter 6

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Sienna was helping out around the camp, waiting for Bellamy to return. Atom had told her that he had locked Octavia in the dropship to keep her here and out of trouble. Honestly, this didn't surprise her. Octavia had been quite troublesome ever since they arrived on the ground. She had a lot of bad influences and it seemed as if she wanted to come across as sexy and desirable. Sienna knew that Bellamy wouldn't let anyone remotely near Octavia in that way, so both Sienna and Atom were now doing the same. Sienna knew that Bellamy would have a field day on any person who laid a finger on Octavia or her.

Octavia and Monty were now in the upper section of the dropship after the two had been trapped here by Atom.
"He may not be my real brother. But he's always been there. Every memory I have, there's Jasper. I should be out there." Monty explained as he was working on the radio to communicate with the Ark.
"You're not gonna cry, are you?" Octavia asked.
"Shut up." Monty said jestingly. "You sure about this? Your brother won't approve of you helping us contact the Ark." Monty said.
"He's not my keeper. Let's just do this. Let's do it." Octavia said. She held out her wrist to Monty, who made off with grunted as Monty removed the wristband. "Aah! Ow! Son of a..." Octavia complained. Shaking her wrist as Monty took the wristband from her.
Monty: Sorry." Monty replied. He looked down at the wristband to see that it was no longer working. He sighed. "Dead." He told her. "Damn it." He cursed.
"If we can't even take it off, how do you expect to turn it into a radio?" Octavia asked. Before either of them could say a word, the hatch door opened revealing Atom.
"Go on. I'll be fine. Work to do." Monty urged her. Octavia stood up.
"Hey, Monty? Jasper would understand why you stayed." She said. Monty smiled at her.
"How is someone raised beneath the floor not a total basket case?" Monty asked. Octavia scoffed.
"Who says I'm not?" Octavia countered before walked off towards Atom and down the ladder.
"It's because he loves you. Your brother? You're not a basket case because you were loved." Atom said to her in reference to the previous conversation.
"Yeah, I'm a lucky girl." Octavia replied, looking up at him.
"I'm not saying I had it worse than you, Octavia, because I didn't. But you have someone who would do anything for you. I envy that." Atom said before leading her out of the dropship and putting her to work.

Clarke, Bellamy, Wells, and Murphy were walking through the woods on their way to find Jasper.
"Hey, hold up. What's the rush? You don't survive a spear through the heart." Bellamy asked Clarke, waving his gun about slightly.
"Put the gun away, Bellamy." Wells warned him.
"Well, why don't you do something about it, huh?" Bellamy challenged.
"Jasper screamed when they moved him. If the spear struck his heart, he'd have died instantly. It doesn't mean we have time to waste." Clarke said.
"As soon as you take this wristband off, we can go." Bellamy bargained.
"The only way the Ark is gonna think I'm dead is if I'm dead. Got it?" Clarke snapped.
"Brave princess." Bellamy said.
"Hey, why don't you find your own nickname? You call this a rescue party? Got to split up, cover more ground." Finn said, suddenly appearing. He had obviously left a little after the main group and had finally caught up. "Clarke, come with me." He said.
"Better late than never." Clarke said to Finn, leaving Bellamy, Murphy, and Wells in their wake.
"I like to think so." Finn said. With that, all of them continued their search for Jasper.

*Later - the rescue party return to Camp*

When the rescue party finally returned a few hours later with an injured, yet still alive, Jasper in tow, Sienna knew that his recovery wasn't going to be easy.
"They're back! Over there." Someone called. When Jasper came into view, everyone froze.
"Is he..." Monty asked.
"He's alive." Clarke replied. They took him into the dropship and lay him down. Sienna immediately followed Clarke into the dropship and offered her help.
"What can I get you Clarke?" Sienna asked.
"I need boiled water and strips of cloth for bandage." Clarke ordered. Nodding, Sienna went off to find what she had asked for.
Despite hearing her husband was back, she needed to help with Jasper. Like Clarke, she knew more about medical treatment than most because she had been training to become a doctor before her arrest. She picked up everything Clarke had requested and she and Finn walked back to Jasper together.

Around ten minutes later, Sienna and Clarke had stabilized Jasper, but he still needed medicine.
"You go. I'll stay and watch over him." Sienna offered. Clarke smiled at her and got up, walking out of the dropship. She turned back to Jasper and dabbed his forehead again with a damp cloth. A few minutes later, someone came up behind her.
"Hungry?" They asked. She knew that voice. She spun around to see it was Bellamy, offering her some food. She gratefully took it.
"Thanks Bell." She said with a smile.
"Anything for my darling wife." He said. He sat down beside her. "How is he?" He asked.
"He's stable, but he need medicine or I'm not sure whether he will survive." Sienna replied sadly.
"Hey, you can't do anything right now. We'll deal with it tomorrow." Bellamy said to her. "You should eat." He added, indicating to the food in her hand. She looked down at it and nodded before lifting it up to her mouth and taking a bite.

*Three Days Later*

Clarke, Monty, Finn and Sienna were with Jasper who was moaning in pain. Clarke and Sienna were tending to Jasper's wounds, Monty was still trying to contact the Ark via one of the wristbands, and Finn was leaning against one of the walls.
"The Grounders cauterized the wound. Saved his life."
"Saved his life so they could string him up for live bait. Garden of Eden this ain't." Finn commented.
"This is infected. He could be septic. Any progress on using the wristbands to contact the Ark?" Clarke asked Monty. When he didn't answer, she tried again. "Monty?" She said a little louder, this time gaining his attention.
"That would be a firm no." He replied.
"My mother would know what to do." Clarke said softly.
"Hey, we'll figure this out Clarke. He's gonna be ok." Sienna said kindly. Clarke gave her a brief half-smile at her optimism but that smile disappeared as Wells suddenly ascended the ladder. Sienna wondered what exactly had happened between the two to cause the harsh animosity that Clarke had for Wells.
"How's he doing?" Wells asked.
"How does it look like he's doing, Wells?" Clarke snapped.
"Clarke-" Sienna began, but Wells cut her off.
"Hey, I'm just trying to help." Wells said calmly.
"Right. You want to help? Hold him down." Clarke said.
"I'm not gonna like this, am I?" Monty asked. Sienna looked at him sadly, knowing that it wasn't going to be easy for him.

Together (Prequel to "The Head and the Heart")Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat