Chapter 5

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Sienna was looking through the dropship to see if she could find anything of value or anything that could help them survive. So far she had found nothing. She almost jumped out of her skin when she heard a voice behind her.
"Everything ok?" They said. She turned around to see Wells standing behind her.
"Wells, you idiot, you almost gave me a heart attack." She exclaimed, shoving his non-injured arm lightheartedly.
"Sorry." He apologized. "So what are you looking for?" He asked.
"Anything that could help us in any way." Sienna told him. "So far, nothing." She told him.
"Do you need any help?" Wells asked.
"Nah, I'll be fine. You should go and help find Jasper." Sienna said.
"I doubt Clarke would want me to help." Wells said sadly, looking down. This annoyed Sienna. She wasn't annoyed at Wells, but at the Clarke and the sentence that just came out of his mouth. She stood up and faced him.
"This isn't about Clarke. This is about saving Jasper." She said, her voice almost angrily. Wells looked at her. "If you want to go and help save him, there is nothing she can do about it." Sienna added. "Go on, go pack. I'll see you back here later ok?"

*Ten minutes later*

After putting together a pack to help both Jasper and his rescue party, Wells went out to find Clarke before she left.
"There you are. When my father said they didn't leave us anything, he really meant it." He told Clarke. She looked up at him and rolled her eyes before grabbing his arm to have a quick look at his cut from earlier. "It's just a scratch." He said.
"You're making friends fast. Keep it covered. It could get infected." She said icily. "Nice pack."
"Yeah, seat belts and insulation. I also packed part of the parachute, figured we could use it to carry out Jasper." Wells replied.
"Good. Give it to someone else. You're not coming with us." Clarke snapped.
Wells: My ankle's fine." Wells defended.
"It's not your ankle, Wells, it's you." Clarke said.
"You came back for reinforcements. I'm gonna help." Wells said defiantly. Before Wells or Clarke had the chance to say anything else, Finn spoke up.
"Clarke, he's right. We need him. So far no one else has volunteered." Finn said. Monty then walked up to them, ready to go out with them.
"I'm sorry, Monty, but you're not going, either." Clarke said to Monty.
"Like hell I'm not. Jasper's my best friend." Monty replied defiantly.
"You're too important. You were raised on Farm Station and recruited by engineering." Clarke said.
"So?" Monty asked.
"So food and communication. What's up here, it's gonna save us all. You figure out how to talk to the Ark and I'll bring Jasper back." Clarke said. "Hey. You ready?" She asked Finn.
"I'm not going anywhere, and neither should any of you. That spear was thrown with pinpoint accuracy from 300 feet." Finn countered.
"So what, we let Jasper die? That's not gonna happen. Spacewalker? What a joke. You think you're such an adventurer. You're really just a coward." Clarke snapped.
"It's not an adventure, Clarke, it's a suicide mission." Finn said seriously, attempting to discourage her from leaving. Without another word, Clarke picked up her pack and walked out of the dropship.
"Build a wall. Use the fallen trees. I'll watch out for her." Wells advised Finn.
"Jasper looked up to you." Monty said to Finn, his tone annoyed.

Sienna was taking care of the wound on Octavia's leg as Bellamy was questioning his sister.
"What the hell was it?" Bellamy asked Octavia.
"I don't know. The others said it looked like a giant snake." Octavia told him, wincing.
"You could have been killed." Bellamy said.
"She would have been if Jasper didn't jump in to pull her out." Clarke told Bellamy as she and Wells walked up to him.
"You guys leaving? I'm coming, too." Octavia said. She was about to get up but both Bellamy and Sienna lightly pushed her down again.
"No, no. No way. Not again." Bellamy protested.
"You're not going anywhere Octavia. Not with your leg like this." Sienna added.
"They're right. Your leg's just gonna slow us down." Clarke said. She then turned to Bellamy.
"Clarke, what are you doing?" Wells asked. Clarke ignored him.
"I hear you have a gun." Bellamy lifted up his shirt slightly to show the gun shoved into the side of his jeans. "Good. Follow me." Clarke all but ordered.
"And why would I do that?" Bellamy retorted.
"Because you want them to follow you, and right now, they're thinking only one of us is scared." Clarke said lowly. Bellamy paused for a moment then turned to the boys behind him.
"Murphy. Come with me. Atom? My sister and wife don't leave this camp. Is that clear?" Bellamy demanded. Atom nodded. Sienna didn't protest, but Octavia wasn't having any of it.
"I don't need a babysitter and neither does Sienna." Octavia snapped.
"Anybody touches either of them, they answer to me." Bellamy warned Atom. He nodded at this. "Let's go." Bellamy said
Octavia got up to follow them, but before she could even take a step, Atom grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back.
"You're staying here." Atom said.
"I'm gonna make your life a living hell." Octavia replied before walking off. Both Atom and Sienna rolled their eyes at her childish behaviour.

The rescue party – Clarke, Wells, Bellamy, and Murphy – walked through the woods, unsure if they were going the right direction, but Clarke had a feeling that they were.
"Those guys aren't just bullies, Clarke. They're dangerous criminals." Wells warned her.
"I'm counting on it." Clarke replied, focusing on where she was going, not looking at Wells or anyone else. She didn't hear or notice Murphy and Bellamy talking about her behind her back, nor did she really care about what they were saying.
"Since when are we in the rescuing business, huh?" Murphy asked Bellamy, a sour look on his face.
"The Ark thinks the prince is dead. Once they think the princess is too, they'll never come down. I'm getting that wristband, even if I have to cut off her hand to do it." Bellamy replied, his eyes on Clarke. What he didn't notice was Murphy's sour look morphed into a mischievous smirk very quickly. 

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