"Tim? Tim, its okay. I'm okay. Everything is fine," she tried to comfort him, talking soothingly to him, reassuring him. "I was so worried and scared... I've lost Jay, Alex, nearly Brian... I couldn't have added you to the list."

That's when she remembered. He went through so much loss, to care for someone in the same situation as him was deadly. Yet he still did it.

The two stayed like that for a while, Tim not caring about the tears falling, and (y/n) mumbled reassurances to him. Her heart was hit with harsh, painful pangs at him crying. She didn't want him to hurt.

Soon, the car stopped, making them both pull away to look around. They were in a parking lot of another motel, a cheap worn down one like they always go for. Then (y/n) heard a soft, loud meow from beside her. She looked over, seeing the white cat from earlier.

"Why is she here?" She questioned as the cat let her pick her up. "She was persistent to stay with you, so we just brought her with us," Brian now speaks up, looking behind at her with a small smile. Brian kept it hidden better, but she knew her disappearance tore him up as well.

"Aw~" She smiled happily, petting the cat and hearing her purr. "I'll name you... Sophia!" She grinned, thinking the name fit the cat.

"Why Sophia?" Tim looked over at her, a small smile on his face. "It just fits her... I think," (y/n) laughed softly at herself.

She hid the cat in her duffle bag to sneak her in the motel, which was missing some money and clothes, that Tim said they found laying beside her, the cat laying on it. Brian went to get the key for the room, leaving Tim and (y/n) chilling by the car.

(Y/n) let her duffle bag lay on the pavement, Sophia's little head poking out of the hole left in the zipper. "You were gone for ten days until we found you. Then you were out cold for four," Tim randomly told her, staring at the cracked concrete. Her eyes widened some. Was she really out that long? It only felt like a few hours, maybe a day at most, that she was gone.

"I shot it... Maybe seven times? It's weak now. Probably pissed too. But we can fight it, or at least I can," She then told her own part, ambition filling her eyes. "We can beat this fucking thing, maybe even kill it."

"Can it even be killed though? It's some supernatural fucker, a demon or some shit," Tim questioned, (y/n) only shrugging. "I don't know, but bullets affect it. And it's getting weaker. First time I shot it, it didn't react, now it flinches back and actually hurts from it."

She was determined now get rid of that shit. Then, a thought came to her.

Would they stay together once everything was fixed? Each of the victims in the trio had a life, family, from what she knew. Brian has talked about a younger sister he left to keep her safe since she was fifteen, parents he loved and loved him back. Tim never talked about his family, nothing. It was as if he had none.

"Tim, we'll be able to live normal again," she giddily bounced on her heels, leaning forward some and grabbing his hands. "We'll get good lives back!" She was determined, hopeful, and optimistic about it.

"I hope so," He returned her smile, making her smile even wider. She didn't notice the look in his eyes, one of slight dread. What are you to do when suffering and running was all you knew?

Then, suddenly, (y/n) kissed him, a soft, passionate, yet not sexual kiss. Just a loving kiss. Tim was taken aback for a second, but quickly returned with with the same feelings she put in the kiss. Her arms went up to around his neck, hands playing in his hair as she kept the kiss going for as long as she could. Something about this kind of kiss was addicting to her.

She did have to pull away eventually to breath better. She stared Tim in the eyes, and that was when she realized.

"I love you," She blurted out, widening Tim's dark eyes. "What?" He mumbled, hoping she didn't mean that.

"Tim Wright, I fucking love you," She said again, no hesitation or stutter. She pulled her form away from his. "You can't..." He then mumbled, shaking his head.

"I love you, okay? You can't change that, and you have to put up with it."

"But everyone that loves me or I love fucking dies! I don't want to loose you, so you can't!" Tim bursted out, yelling at her. She stood there for a second before speaking.

"Do you really think I would let anything kill me? Do you really think I'd loose against whatever the fuck is going on. Against whatever the fuck could happen?" (Y/n) spoke softly, confident and strong. Tim hesitated before answering.

"You could."

"Well..." She started, running a hand through her hair that has grown so long over the year of being on the run. "I've cheated death two times so far, Tim. I'll do it again."

She picked up her duffle bag, going to the motel so she why Brian was taking a bit long, making sure to hide Sophia's head, leaving Tim confused, conflicted, and alone.

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