Valentine's Gift He Gives You - Preferences 38 ♣

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Valentine's Gift He Gives You



Perfume Set (of your choice)

Luke noticed you ran out of your favorite perfume, so as the good boyfriend he is, he got you a huge amount of it for Valentine's Day.mAnd you couldn't stop thanking by sharing a passionate yet sweet kiss. After your gift of All Time Low, front row, and back stage passes. Let's just say that was a lovely Valentine's Day. :-)



A stuffed teddy with your favorite foreign chocolate/treat.

Calum was pretty vintage/old style when it came to holidays. So when it was Valentine's Day, he gave you a kiss, a stuffed teddy, and a heart shaped box with all your favorite goodies from around the world. Your present was pretty good as his. You gave him a card and two tickets for both of you to go to America (Los Angles) for vacation since your anniversary was coming up. He loved your gift and you loved his.



A bouquet of roses & your favorite band CD.

Ashton was pretty much the master if surprises. He surprised you a lot, like ALOT. That was one quality you loved/hated about him. Sometimes his surprises lead into trust issues, but then you trusted him, after finding the surprise. So when Valentine's Day Ash was pretty secretive, and you thought he was gonna break up with you. But luckily all you got was a lovely a bouquet of roses & your favorite band CD. You surprised him with a trip back home so he could see his family, since you both were living together in America. But he loved your present a lot, as for you, you loved his present a lot.



A puppy, and a promise ring!

Michael, was not only an out going guy dying his hair all crazy colors, but he was really good at keeping secrets, especially when it came to holidays or your birthday. On Valentine's Day, he surprised you with a puppy, and a red velvet box. You were scared to see what was inside. He got on one knee and showed you a promise ring. You both shared a passionate kiss, watching some nice love films cuddling next to each other, while wearing your promise ring, and playing with your new adorable puppy.


Hey guys there was a Preference I hoped you liked it. Please vote, fan,follow me if you haven't and comment what other Preferences you want okay? Also check out my books their One Direction (; I love you all!



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