Ariana Grande Song Relates To Your Relationship- Preference 24♣

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Ariana Grande Song Relates To Your Relationship



Honey Moon Avenue

Anywhere you went, anything you did Luke was always on your mind. When you drove to go see Luke, the song Honey Moon Avenue always poped up your head, and ever since then it reminded you of your realtionship. 



Right There

Despite the distance between you and Calum you always knew he would be right there for you no matter what, when you graduated he made his way to be there, and even for your anniversary. That reminded you of the song Right There. 



The Way

You loved anything Ashton did, there reminding you of the song the way. He loved anthing you did as well, he always played The Way when you both were on a road trip, or just hanging out because he loved the song as much as your did. Making your song The Way. 



Almost Is Never Enough

You and Michael had a huge fight. Sometimes the fights would get out of hand that you'd stay over one of the other boy's house. Michael would make it up to you by making your favorite dinner, and singing an aucoustic version of Almost is Never Enough because it was your favorite Ariana Grande song. And when you and Michael met that song was playing. 


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