The shirt is a bodysuit type of top. It has no sleeves which is usually a no for me. I am extremely insecure about my body. I have lost weight from previous years but being fat for all your life brings your confidence down. I put on the top and slipped on my ripped blue jeggings that I put in my bag from home. I look at the mirror and look at myself. I do feel uncomfortable because this is not what I usually wear. But surprisingly I don't look bad. The shirt is a little low on the cleavage area. But since I don't have any boobs I don't care.

I grab my shirt and walk out. "Holy shit! Damn girl you look hot," Aria smiled. "You think? I don't really know," I said looking at myself. "I know so, now lets do your makeup," Aria directed me to her makeup. Aria doesn't let me see what she is doing until the end. "Okay look," she handed me a mirror. It's a natural look with a fierce wing and red lips. "I love it, I look so different," I said. "Not different beautiful," Aria said while I rolled my eyes.

"Now lets pick an outfit for me,"Aria said.

"How are we going to get to his house," I said while Aria puts her makeup on. "My brother agreed to drop us and pick us up," Aria said while beating her face with a beauty blender. "Your brother agreed how," I said. "Well I owe him big time but he also agreed not to tell anyone's parents so." "Good luck on that,"I said.

I slipped on my white converse which completed the look. Aria and I walked out of her room. "Took you guys long enough, anyway you guys look pretty now lets go." Noah said. We walk outside to Aria's brother in his car. We drive to Mason's house.

Mason is a 9th grader like us. But he has an older brother that is a senior. Their parents aren't usually home and they throw parties all the time. I guess their parents suspect Mason's brother to take care of him. But to his definition taking care of him is throwing parties.

I text my mom to make sure she isn't worried about me. All I said is we are watching a movie on Netflix. "Don't be to late, text me when you guys want to go and if you don't than I will come and pick you up anyway," Aria's brother said. "Got it, " Aria opened the door and we all stepped out of the car. Of course the lawn is full of drunk teenagers roaming around.

I follow behind Aria and Noah. Inside is hell, music playing, drunk passed out teenagers on the chairs. A red cup was put in my hand randomly. I put the cup down on the table next to me. I came here to not drink.

Aria and Noah start to go to the dance floor. I don't want to dance. "Come on Ashlyn,"Aria shouted over the music. "No thanks I will stay here," I said sitting down on the couch full of people. "Suit yourself,"she said while walking away.

People aren't even dancing. They are just grinding on each other. I start to get out my phone. "Hey never saw you before," a random voice comes from beside me. "Yeah I don't usually go to parties," I look at the guy who looks like a junior. "You should, we can have more pretty girls like you here," he said getting closer to me. I feel uncomfortable and I can smell the alcohol lingering from his mouth. "Umm maybe? My friend needs me over there," I point to a random person. I just want to get out of his way. I heard him huff and I walk away.

I needed some fresh air. I start walking to the backyard. It isn't better. There is just more teens making out. I walk to the corner where a bench was. I stare out into the stars. I shouldn't of came I didn't have fun. There isn't anything fun to me here.

I saw Landon walk out of the house. He looks angry but mostly devastated. It seems like he is doing the same thing I am doing. Getting away from the party. He sees the bench and starts walking towards me.

I look the other direction. It's pretty dark so he doesn't see me quickly. "Getting away from the party aren't you?" He says. "Yep parties aren't my thing," I sighed. "Wait...Ashlyn is that you? Wow I can't believe you are at a party," he looks at me. "Me either Aria dragged me into this." "She did...let me guess...she left with Noah somewhere,"he said. "Yep..and I tried to stay on the couch but people are creeps so," I looked over at him. "You know I didn't even notice you when I walked over here you look different," he said. "Aria let me borrow some of her clothes and she did my makeup because I apparently need to look good at a party," I said. "Well you look beautiful," he said. "Thank you," I blushed.

"Why are you here shouldn't you be inside hanging out with the guys," I said curious. "Yeah I was but I went upstairs to go to the bathroom and lets say I saw Kylie kissing another," he frowned. At that moment I felt angry and mostly sorry for Landon. "That bitch. I thought you guys weren't dating?" "Honestly I don't know... I thought we were but than again when I date someone it's all the same," he looked up at the sky."What do you mean," I said looking at my hands in my lap. "Everyone I date leaves me, they aren't loyal," he said closing his eyes and sighing. "Oh I see but Kylie is a bitch how couldn't you see it before," I said. "Because when I met her she was actually nice and all of a sudden she turned into a whore," he said. "Everyone changes and I guess she changed for the worse," I said.

"I was not looking for a relationship. So I kept our so called relationship quite because I didn't know how it will end," he looked down at the ground.

"You know this is what life is....there is hardships in your life, but there is going to more and all you can do is build yourself up," I said. "But every time another comes along. It breaks me even more," he looked at me. "There is going to be the one out there for you Landon you just got to find the right girl. The girl who won't leave you. Who will eventually love you. We are still very young, and there is a future ahead to look forward to. You have to find the girl whether you already did or not," I stated. All I want to do is hug him and comfort him but I don't.

"I really do feel sorry for you, I know you cared about her," I looked at him. "It's was going to happen someday," he said.

After awhile of a silence we started to talk more. We grew more comfortable with each other. We talked about random things like the future and video games etc. We just start to talk to each other for a long time not realizing how long we are talking for. I actually got a laugh out of him at one point.

"Thank you for letting me forget about what happened earlier," He said. "Your welcome I like to bring people up when they are feeling down," I said. "We deserve more people like you in the world," he smiled at me. No YOU deserve someone like me I thought. "I know," I returned the smile.

After another round of talking. I checked my phone and it is pretty late. I didn't want to leave but I have to find Aria. "Man it's late and I haven't saw Aria and Noah in along time I should find them before I get worried," I said. "Yeah I would be too anyway my friends probably wondered where the hell I went," he said while getting up.

We said bye to each other and we both walk into the house. I searched everywhere in the house for them.

Me: where are you Aria

I texted Aria but she doesn't replay I call her and she won't answer. I walk upstairs wondering where the hell they are. I don't want to open any of the doors because I will probably walk into a couple having sex.

I walk to the end of a hall where the door was open. I saw Aria and Noah and a few other people who I never saw before. "Hey Ashlyn there you are," Aria said holding a red cup. "Aria it is pretty late we should go," I start to walk over to her. "Party shiter," she pouted. I grab her phone and text her brother. "Hey," she grabbed the phone. "Let's go," I said. Noah helped me with Aria to the door of the house. I saw Aria's brother eventually and we stepped inside his car. The car ride to Aria's home was quiet instead of Aria's drunk giggles. I doze off in my own world. Remembering how perfect it was that Landon and I talked today.

A/N: A little longer than usual hope you enjoyed it!!!

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