My Teacher Went Up In Dust

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"Well should we start reading." Athena stated as she wanted to see what the future held.

"Yes we should," Phoebe a hunter of Artemis said. "Who would like to read."

"I will" said Aphrodite shockingly as she flashed the book into her arm. Now you don't see that everyday.

Once all the guests were given seats she started reading. "Now who is ready to hear the good ole story about my cousin." Bianca smiled as she said this always wondering how Ariadne's life was.

If you think I wanted to be like this, you're crazy! Looking over your shoulder every second, being hunted by supposedly mythological beings, and worst of all, dealing with flirty gods. Yeah, no thanks.

"Who dare flirts with my daughter?" boomed Artemis.

"Well there are too many to name, but you know it doesn't really matter." Remarked Ariadne who was cuddling up with Reyna.

"Well I've already dealt with a majority of them." Stated Reyna causing Artemis to throw a small smile at her even though she disliked her.

If you think you're a half-blood, accept it like a real woman, or male, whatever you are.

"A mini Arty." Apollo yelled. 

"Oh no how will we ever survive." Hermes added.

If Artemis didn't have her hands full she would've surely left them bleeding to death in the middle of the throne room.

 Because that's the thing, you don't have a choice. Your life is basically set in stone by three old ladies the moment a god or goddess gets a little horny (mostly gods though) and brings you into this awful life with no help from them whatsoever-unless you're lucky, which not many demigods are.

But if you're just a normal kid, read on and ignore everything I just said. I'm getting off track here. My name is Ariadne Jackson, or if you think you're too mightier than thou to even say my first name, then it's Jackson.

I know I sound a little too violent for a 12 year old as myself but what do you expect from a troubled kid. Am I really that troubled? Hell to the yes.

"See even you know it, Ari." Laughed Annabeth causing everyone to chuckle at Ariadne's misfortune. Ariadne just blushed into Reyna's neck.

I get the wonderful privilege to go to a private boarding school for troubled cough mental cough kids in upstate New York called Yancy Academy.

I could start at literally any point in my short miserable life to show you that I have a serious misbehaving problem. But really, this whole thing started going bad last May, when our sixth grade class took an educational field trip to Manhattan-twenty-eight mentalcase kids and two teachers on a dirty, ugly, mustard yellow school bus, heading to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to look at Ancient Greek and Roman stuff that I already knew about from my mom.

I know- it sounds like absolute torture.

Annabeth and Athena glared at her. While Ariadne ushered for Aphrodite to continue. 

Don't get me wrong- I love to learn... but not when you have a bunch of obnoxious assholes joining in. But Mr. Brunner, our Latin teacher, was leading this trip, so I had some pretty high expectations.

Mr. Brunner was this middle-aged guy in a cool motorized chair. He had brown, thinning hair and a scruffy beard, along with a frayed tweed jacket that always seemed to smell like coffee. He wouldn't seem cool at first glance, but he told interesting stories and funny jokes and also let us play games in class, which immediately put him on my good list, meaning he got no pranks from me. He also had this awesome collection of Roman armor and weapons, so he was the only teacher whose class I even bothered to pay attention to, despite my perfect grades.

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