I Anger A God

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Hermes quickly showed them to the rooms they would be staying at until their done. Girls had a house to their own beside the boys. 

Reyna and Ariadne stayed back a bit to talk before going to bed.

Both Reyna and Ariadne have recovered physically from the pit but at night the dreams tear at them. 

They wake up at night thinking they are still in that place only to be pulled out the trace and be to scared to fall asleep again. 

When they slept together the nightmares were less severe. They tried sleeping apart a few nights after being rescued but ended up sleeping together again.

They both went to the room they decided to share.

They quickly kissed before snuggling together and falling asleep with smiles on their lips. 

For the first time no nightmare haunted their dreams.

The next morning everyone meet up in the dining hall for breakfast.

When there, Ariadne talked with her mother as they finally started to bond. Artemis still didn't understand why she abandoned her daughter but knew it was for the greater good. 

I had really weird dreams full of barnyard animals, I bet it wasGrover's fault. The thing is, most of them wanted to kill me for somereason, the rest wanted food. 

"What the?" Everyone asked and Ariadne just shrugged.

I must've woken up multiple times, but the things I heard and saw made no sense, so I did the only thing I could, I passed back out. All I remember is lying in a too soft bed, being spoon-fed like a fucking baby something that tasted like buttered popcorn from the movies,only it was like pudding. 

"Yum ambrosia!" All the immature boys and gods cough Apollo and Hermes cough said with dreamy looks on their faces.

The 'she's the one' girl with the stereotypical princess hair was hovering over me, smirking  at me as she scraped the pudding stuff off my chin with the spoon.When she saw my eyes open, she rushed, "What will happen at the summer solstice?" 

"Eager much Annie?" 

"Shut up and don't call me Annie Thalia!"

"How the fuck would I know?" I managed to croak. 

She looked momentarily surprised at my rudeness before completely disregarding my question. 

"What's going on? What was stolen?We've only got a few weeks!" 

"Something stolen? Athena mussed to herself. 

Suddenly she gasped silently and made a connection between the title.

 "Why would she know anything?" Asked a confused Leo while everyone else nodded in agreement.

 "I don't know I was hoping she could help me."Annabeth said blushing slightly. 

The group laughed at her.

"Did I not just say that I didn't know? Are you dumb?" I shot back. 

Reyna smirked inwardly as the jealousy slowly wore off.

Before she could retort, somebody knocked on the door, and the girl stuffed my mouth with pudding.Bitch.The next time I woke up, the girl was finally gone.Instead, a husky blond dude, kinda like a surfer, stood in the corner of the bedroom I was in watching me.

"Well that's not creepy." Said a hunter. Everyone laughed.

 Uh, can you say creepy?That's not even the weirdest part. The weirdest part was that he had eyes literally everywhere. His head, hands, legs, any place you name, he's got hands. I wander if he has eyes on his di-. 

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