Barn Animals

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"Are the titles all going to be this weird?" Frank asked. 

"It's Ari."Thalia pointed out. 

"Good point." 


Before a fight started outReyna quickly started to read again.

Alright, I confess, I totally ditched Grover right when we got to thebus terminal.

"Told you!" Clarisse said proudly while Ari just grinned sheepishly

I know it wasn't smart, I was better than this. But Grover was seriously making me a little uneasy with all his muttering, things like,"Why does this always happen?" and "Why does it always have to be sixth grade?"

"I would ditch Grover too." 

"Thank you! Someone has my back!" 

"Noproblem moon brain." Ariadne gave her a quick kiss before Reyna had to start reading again.

Funnily enough, whenever Grover got upset, get this, his bladderfailed him. 

"Good to know." The Stolls said smirking

So, yeah, I wasn't that surprised when, as soon as we deposited from the bus, he ran to the bathroom like he was being chased by a demon. I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from laughing at him. 

Against my better judgment, as soon as Grover was out of sight, I collected my things, went outside, and caught the first taxi I could find. "East One-hundred-and-fourth and First," I demanded of the driver,trying to get home as quick as possible.

"YES! We have her address!" The Hermes kids yelled. 

Ari didn'tturn her attention away from the book but quickly said, "I moved andyou have all been to my new apartment." 

"Oh... yeah forgot."

There's something you should know about my mom, before you meet her. 

"The best!"



"Extraordinary!" Ari just smiled knowing all these things but gladher friends think so too. 

Poseidon and the gods were looking forwardto see what woman made Poseidon adopt a child who wasn't his.

She's the only person, besides Grover and Mr. Brunner, that I wouldn't punch in the face and could actually stand. 

Her name was Sally Jackson and she's honestly the best mom a girl could ask for.

 "That we can all agree on!" Nico said with everyone else nodding.

The feeling in Zoe's stomach didn't go away as she stared at both Ariadne's. Noticing this Artemis gave her a quick peck.

That just proves the world is cruel because she has the worst luckout there.

"So that's where you get it from?" Thalia asked. Ariadne just glared butthought her mom had it so much worse.

 Her parents, my grandparents, died when she was only five in a plane crash, forcing her to live with a dead beat uncle that didn't give two shits about her. 

"I am going to help her get her diploma." Athena stated wanting everyone to at least get a basic education. 

"That would help, if you boosted it up. After she married Paul, that was her wish before she had died." Said Ariadne.

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