I Battle A Chihuahua

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Ariadne and Reyna walked hand in hand into the dinning room.They both got their food and sat down next to each other. The brunch passed uneventfully and Ariadne and Reyna left everyone and walked into Reyna's room and waited for everyone to show up in about half and hour.

Reyna looked at her again and saw pure love shining through her eyes. Reyna leaned in and kissed Ariadne again, though this time wasn't so softly, it was much more passionate and fierce.

Soon they were full on making out. Their lips moved in sync and Ariadne's hands moved Reyna's shirt up while Reyna's hands moved down Ariadne's hair.

Soon they made it onto Reyna bed. Ariadne was lying down with Reyna hovering on top of her peppering her face and neck with kisses. Somehow by the time everyone knock on Reyna's door Ariadne managed to get four hickeys, Reyna was shirtless, and they both had swollen lips.

The campers outside her room were growing restless. They knocked on Reyna's door a number of minutes ago but still go no response. Unless you count some groans and mumbles. Finally the door opened exposing a flustered Ariadne and Reyna. The group immediately noticed how both of them had swollen lips, messed up hair, Ariadne had four hickeys, and Reyna's shirt was inside out.

Instantly all thirteen campers in the doorway burst out laughing. "Hey Ariadne," Thalia paused because she was laughing too hard, "what's that on your neck?" Ariadne;s eyes wide before she ran to her bathroom. While she was running Grover laughed, "Reyna your shirts on inside out." She blushed beet red before turning around and taking her shirt off. She quickly fixed her shirt when Ariadne screamed out, "REYNA RAMIREZ-ARELLANO YOU GAVE ME SEVEN HICKEYS! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"

Everyone was on the ground laughing with tears in their eyes. Ariadne stormed back in with her ponytail fixed showing seven clear hickeys. "Sorry babe." Reyna said sheepishly, still bright red.

"Whatever my mom is going to kill me!" Reyna paled hearing that much to everyone's amusement. After a while they calmed down.

All fourteen of them chatted the entire time just enjoying each other company. Never once did they mention the wars, just camp memories and life in the mortal world.

After everyone left to head to the thrown room, Ariadne and Reyna took a said to be quick shower together which actually wasn't so quick. 

After they changed, Ariadne had to leave her auburn hair down to prevent her papa and mom from seeing it. Nobody wanted to see Reyna become the first female jackelope. As they walked to the pantry hand in hand, the weather seemed so much hotter then usual for Ariadne.

"Ugg! It's so hot in here." Ariadne complained. 

"Well it's your fault." 

Ariadne raised a eyebrow looking straight into Reyna's eyes, "Oh pleaseenlighten me on how? As I remember you are were one to give methe hickeys so now I have to wear my hair down." 

"Well, you werethe one moaning for more and not stopping me, so your fault." 

Ariadne reached over the table and punched her arm. "Whatever."She said grumbling. Once they were done they got up together andwalked around for the remaining time, after of course shovinganything that would fit into their pockets.

Fifteen minutes later everyone sat down and the audio started itself.

We spent two days on the Amtrak train, heading west through hills, over rivers, past amber waves of grain. We weren't attacked once.

"I think that was my record." Percy said with Annabeth and Grovernodding their heads in agreement.

But I didn't relax. I felt that we were traveling around in a display case, being watched from above and maybe from below, that something was waiting for the right opportunity. I tried to keep a low profile because my name and picture were splattered over the front pages of several East Coast newspapers. 

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