Dogs Can Talk

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"Um, okay. I think that it by far the most interesting chapter title."Katie stated.

We were pretty miserable that night. 

We camped out in the woods, a hundred yards from the main road, in a marshy clearing that local kids had obviously been using for parties. The ground was littered with flattened soda cans and fastfood wrappers. 

Demeter sighed unhappily, "Such a waste."

We'd taken some food and blankets from Aunty Em's, but we didn't dare light a fire to dry up our damp clothes. The Furies and Medusa had provided enough excitement for one day. We didn't want to attract anything else. 

"Yeah I wouldn't want to either." Piper said.

We decided to sleep in shifts. I volunteered to take first watch. 

Annabeth curled up on the blankets and was snoring as soon as her head hit the ground.

Connor and Travis looked like they wanted to say someone butAnnabeth cut them off, "Not one word or else there will be a dagger coming your way soon." The brothers gulped nervously.

 Grover fluttered with his flying shoes to the lowest bough of a tree, put his back to the trunk, and stared at the night sky. 

"Go ahead and sleep," I told him. 

"I'll wake you if there's trouble." He nodded, but still didn't close his eyes. 

"It makes me sad, Ariadne ." 

"What does? The fact that you signed up for this stupid quest?" 

"I would have been if I were you G-Man." 

"Well I wasn't." 

"Meneither." Annabeth piped in after Grover. 

"You're both crazy then."Ariadne decided. 

"No. This makes me sad." He pointed at all the garbage on theground. "And the sky. You can't even see the stars. They'vepolluted the sky. This is a terrible time to be a satyr." 

"And a nymph." Juniper said sadly. 

"Oh, yeah. I know what you mean marine biology and wild life are dying out because of it." 

 "Humans are clogging up the world so fast... ah, never mind. It's useless tolecture a human. At the rate things are going, I'll never findPan." 

Hermes, Grover, Nico, Annabeth, Rachel, and Ariadne all sighedsadley. Hermes for his missing son, the rest for his passing. 

TheRomans were a bit confused until Athena clarified, "Faunus." All theRoman nodded their heads in respect to the goddess before turningback to her rival.

A strange breeze rustled through the clearing, temporarilyoverpowering the stink of trash and muck. It brought the smellof berries and wildflowers and clean rainwater, things thatmight've once been in these woods. 

Hermes almost jumped out of his seat, "He gave you a sign?" Hecried. 

"Um... yeah?" All the gods stood there, shock evident it theireyes. 

After a few minutes Poseidon shook off his shock enough tosay, "Sorry it's just he hasn't given a sign since he disappeared." 

Atthis point all the other gods came to their senses enough to continueto story. 

Suddenly I was nostalgic for something I'd never known."Tell me about the search," I said.Grover looked at me cautiously, as if he were afraid I was justmaking fun. 

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