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Back at the elementary school, Willow spins a similar tale. Misty and Lester listen close as Dave stares blankly ahead.

"No way...!" Lester says in shock.

"So Lilly is behind all this?" Misty asks.

"Indeed," Willow replies stoically.

The siblings stand motionless, taken aback by Willow's tale. Her story was slightly different than what Lilly had told Rachel. In Willow's version of things, Lilly was the one responsible for the sacrificial killings. Willow merely assisted, as Lilly is a demon who uses Willow as a tool. She needed her for her magics, as Willow was the only one capable of casting the spell that could break the boundary between dimensions.

"So...you were used as a tool, were you?" Misty asks.

"Yes. Lilly is a grand duchess of hell, whereas I am but a lowly countess. Her powers are greatly superior to mine. I had no choice but to obey her commands."

"Willow. You mean...all these years? All these centuries you've been enslaved to Lilly?" Lester asks.

"Enslaved is a harsh term. It's not like I didn't have some freedoms. But when it came to gathering sacrifices, yes, I had no choice but to acquiesce. To disobey one's superiors earns harsh punishments in the nine hells," Willow says.

"Heh. Sounds like Earth," Misty quips.

"Wait. That day in the hospital... Why did you tell me that Lilly was your cousin?" Lester asks.

Willow gives a long pause. "...What are you talking about?"

"That day you introduced us. You said she was your cousin. Don't you remember?" Lester asks. Willow looks puzzled.

"I've never introduced you. I'm sure you've never met," Willow says.

"What are you talking about? I clearly remember the day! She was wearing white pajamas and had albino hair. We even discussed it in the car on the way back!"

"Lester. That never happened, trust me. A demon's memory is far better than that of a human's. I would've recalled something like that," Willow says. "...Unless...?" she continues, suddenly looking to the ground.

"...What is it?" Misty asks. Willow stares at the ice and snow.

As the girl stands lost in thought, a pair of footsteps come from behind. The four turn around, spotting the girl with the carving knife. She stands holding her head, blood gushing out from her throat and temple. "...Dammit. That really hurt. That really fucking hurt!"

"Kill her," Willow commands firmly. Dave raises his gun, but Holly flashes a wicked grin. She raises her free hand, a burst of light shining out from her tiny palm. It engulfs the entire courtyard, at once setting it ablaze.

Lester gives a cringe, yelling as he and the others all burst into flames. Lester screams in agony, his body filled with excruciating pain. He violently grits his teeth, watching as his sister falls to the ground in burnt ashes.

"Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh!" Lester shouts, madly sitting up.

He quickly looks around, finding himself back in his bed. The boy breathes heavily, his whole body drenched in a cold sweat. He blinks several times, looking to the clock. 2:31 AM. He swiftly stands up, rushing to the window and taking a look outside. The houses are all intact, the streetlights illuminating his tiny neighborhood. Lester stands in shock, his face slowly turning pale.

"...Sis!" he exclaims. He hurries down the hall, heading toward his sister's room. Upon opening the door, he finds her laying in bed with a book in her hands. She slowly looks over, eyeing her brother with faint amusement.

"...Oh, my," she says, her face slightly going red. "My brother is naked in my room. And I don't like it."

"Misty! You're alive!" he exclaims. He then looks down, awkwardly covering up.

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" she asks.

"Oh, man... You wouldn't believe the nightmare I just had," he says. Lester explains it all, going into grave detail with animated enthusiasm. Misty listens on, breathing a sigh as she looks to him.

"...Damn. That's pretty fucking messed up," Misty says. "But then, you've always had an overactive imagination. Anyway, it was all a dream. Now get out of here--having you tell that story naked is a nightmare in itself."

"...Oh. Ahem. Right. Sorry," Lester replies, bashfully slinking away.

The boy returns to his room, scratching his head as he crawls back into bed. He quietly stares at the ceiling. Was it really all just a dream? It couldn't have been, could it...? It all seemed too real; too vivid to be a dream. The boy tosses and turns, unable to get back to sleep. After about an hour, he sighs, getting up and leaving the room.

He heads out to the kitchen, deciding to get something to eat. He makes a healthy snack consisting of pretzels dipped in mocha spread. He slowly chews the food, thinking back to the nightmarish dream he just had. The ruins. The bodies. The bloody girl with the carving knife. He didn't know his mind was capable of conjuring up such things. Some people believe that dreams are glimpses into events of other worlds. Others believe that dreams are windows into the soul. Lester gives a cringe. If that's the case, he's got one fucked up soul.

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