32 Michelle

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Michelle’s arms ached. Rope cut into her wrists so she relaxed her arms. Sweat trickled down her back, stinging her exposed skin where the bark of the tree she’d been tied to dug into her. With her arms pulled back, her stomach stretched painfully. No wonder the doctor included bondage and BDSM to his list of things they should not do. Michelle only knew one person that played that way and she thanked her lucky stars that she only had him as a friend and not a bed mate.

She kept her eyes closed, not needing them as the wind carried the scents of her surroundings towards her.

The salty taste of the waterfall filled her mouth. Trachtaria had no oceans, but the rivers, dams and lakes all fed into each other and cascaded down waterfalls like the one between Hank’s house and Matteo’s farm.

Hank took her on a picnic to see the waterfall and swim in a heated pool warmed by the lava that ran under the surface of the planet.

“We have not had an eruption in many centuries,” he assured her when she voiced her concerns.

Without oceans, they had limited resources to stop the lava if it did decide to make its way to the surface.

Leaves crunched close to her and then the stench of death filled her lungs. His foul breath brushed her cheek for a second before it disappeared. She kept her breathing even and her body limp. Feigning unconsciousness became second nature to her when she needed to get away from Robert. They didn’t like playing if their victims didn’t scream.

The slap came unexpectedly, but she moved with the hand as her head whipped to the side and back.

“Wake up!”

Birds took flight and a few critters scampered away, but she still kept her eyes closed. His shouting would attract something much bigger than him. It only ate burnt flesh.

Hawk and Michelle found out about it when a sick animal dragged itself out of the forest to the traps that they were busy setting. Michelle could not watch it suffering any longer. She leaned over it, ran her hand over it’s eyes and drove the dagger through its brain. She sat sobbing over it for a while and then breathed fire over it so that no other animal would feed on the sick carcass.

That’s when the big beast that swatted at Hank, a combination between a Yeti and a Bunyip (two mythical creatures), stomped through the forest, picked up the dead animal, ignoring all of their other catches, and started feeding on its burnt flesh.

Since then, they always left one stag or deer, burnt to a crisp, for it to find.

She bit down on her tongue to stop the cry when the general squeezed her breasts, digging his nails into her skin. She would not give him the satisfaction of seeing or hearing her cry.

“No! Wake up you pathetic slut!”

A soft moan escaped her lips when he stuck the thermometer-like pregnancy test into her leg.

“Not good enough! I need her to scream!” He stomped away and then stomped back, stopping somewhere to her right. “Water. Get water to wake her up.”

Metal clanged against rocks and wood cracked and splintered way too close to her. He stomped around, clearly looking for something to collect water from the river. He eventually stomped passed her, but not before trees shook close by and heavy stomping feet vibrated the ground underneath her.

She needed to find a way to shift or in the least get loose. She never once tried breathing fire in her human form, but Hank had been able to do it, so she could too.

She tested the ropes binding her wrists together. Something brushed her hand, so she froze and listened. Soft gnawing sounds came from behind her.

“Keep still. I’m almost through the ropes. I would kill him for you, but I’m too weak. I know you don’t trust me, but just this once, let me help you. Please.”

Colonel Seeders' Mail Order Bride, HankWhere stories live. Discover now