36 Hank

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The panic in his voice could only mean one thing. Michelle needed help.

“Where is she?” Hank asked as soon as Hawk ran into his room.

“Call Uncle Xander. Something's wrong and she’s surrounded by vampires.”

Hank grabbed his earpiece and made the call.

“I know you are probably busy and I know where you are. I don’t want to discuss that. I’m not going to judge you, but I do need your help. Michelle is in trouble. Can you meet us…”

Hank looked at Hawk. “The bunker on the other side of the mountain. The one with the waterfall.”

He growled, barring his teeth at Hawk. Of all the places he had looked for her, he never once though of going over the mountain. He relayed the information to Xander through clenched teeth.

“Sneaky. Good place to hide out. I’ll probably be there before you and Hank since I'm-“

“It’s not my business. We like what we like and I love my wife. There’s vampires.”

“I’ll come armed,” Xander said and then ended the call.

“You can be mad later, but we have to go right now. That beast that we have been feeding is close to her and it will probably help as much as it can, but there are too many for it to fight alone," Hawk said.

Hank did not say anything further. He shifted with Hawk and grabbed the bag that Hawk tried to hall down the stairs. He guessed that it had stuff for Michelle and the babies. Something he should have thought of. He sure had a lot to learn about being a father and a husband.

“Just stay calm and you’ll do fine,” Hawk said mentally.

“Easier said than done,” Hank grumbled.

In the military they didn’t have time to think. They had second to act or die. It had been drilled into him, over and over, in boot camp. His emotions fed his actions and it had kept him alive.

This, however, was not one of his missions. This was his wife, needing him to be there for her and he had almost messed it all up.

Hawk flew slightly ahead of Hank. His brothers would have been as fast as Hawk if they lived to grow into men. He could not get them back, but he would keep training Hawk as he trained his brothers to ensure that he would be the best and fastest that he could be.


He no longer needed to hunt Sebastian’s father. Hank found the place he had Michelle tied up and saw everything that happened from the time he cut her clothes off her body, to the point where he ran into the beast that fed on his burnt flesh. His bones had been stripped clean of meat.

When he got back to the house, he found his hunting knife and scraps of fur that shredded from her body when she shifted. Hawk explained that she tucked it into her boot before she walked out of the house. His clever little mate had armed herself, but never got the chance to use it. At least she had some help to get loose. He still did not trust the druid, but he did owe her for helping Michelle.

They finally met up with Xander, who refused to look him in the eye. He needed his help with Michelle and the babies. Everything else could be discussed at a more appropriate time.

They made it over the mountain and Hank had to gulp down the lump that lodged itself in his throat.

“She’s still fine Dad. It’s almost time, so we have to get rid of these blood suckers and then go help Mom. Uncle Xander can go through the secret passage to check on her.”

“What secret passage?” The boy had more secrets than Hank and his brothers ever had.

“If we clear the back, I can show him, but you will have to announce yourself so that she doesn’t get a fright. She doesn’t need more pain than she’s in right now.”

Hank saw red. He flew straight at the vampires crawling all over the roof and blew out a stream of fire. Hawk dove down and went to help his beast friend, while Xander went around from the other side to catch the few that tried to flee.

That’s when her cries echoed in his mind. He had to get to her. He needed to be with her.

He swerved around and let out another stream of fire and then another and another until he felt dizzy from spinning around to flew one way and then back over the bunker.

At least five minutes later, the beast grabbed the last fleeing vampire and ripped its head from its body, dropping it to the ground. It picked up a burnt body and then tilted its head to the sky and gave a loud ear piercing screech.

Hank flew down to the door, but Hawk nodded to the back of the bunker and then closed his eyes. He probably warned Michelle that they would be coming in. At least he hoped that was what he was doing.

Before they went in through a small doorway, hidden behind some rocks, A bunch of other beasts, hairy and large, stomped through the trees and started feasting on the burnt remains of the vampires.

Hawk looked up and then shouted, “Whatever you don’t eat, could you maybe dump it farther away from the bunker? We don't need anything threatening to come close to my mother and the babies."

The first one that had helped them fight the vampires, looked up with bright blue eyes and roared, before taking another crunching bite out of its meal.

They climbed through the door straight into a large room. Four small furs lay spread out, ready to be wrapped around the babies. Some pots stood ready with water and on a freshly skinned deer skin, some weird looking clips had been laid in a row.

Hank’s eyes went straight to his wife, leaning against the wall with her legs spread open. He could just make out the head of his first baby between her legs.

“Hawk, get the water on the fire,” Xander said. “Hank, when I ask you for one of those clamps, hand it to me and then use that suction device to clear out the babies airways. Put it in its mouth and draw out the fluids. Tap it softly on the bum to make it take a breath. It needs to cry.”

“Stop calling them it,” Michelle said through clenched teeth and then cried out as she bent her knees.

Xander rushed over to help her and then suddenly shouted, “Don’t push. You’re going to kill them.”

Colonel Seeders' Mail Order Bride, HankWhere stories live. Discover now