20 Hank and Michelle

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Hank scrambled to his feet and ran to kneel beside Michelle. She looked so pale compared to the blue duvet she leaned against.

"Hawk, go to your room. Block it all out. You know what I have to do and I'm sure she does not want you hearing any of that. Do not listen. Okay?" Hank said.

Hawk nodded and wiped his face, gave Michelle a kiss on the cheek and said, "They made her do it. She doesn't want to die."

Hank slowly pulled the knife out, but she still moaned and gripped his arm.

"I'm sorry. I don't know why I did it. I just got so scared and then-"

"Shh. We can talk later. I have to ask... Do you want me to change you. I will find a-"

"I've already agreed to it. I want to be able to fly with Hawk. My sister. She was only ten. Something bit her and she got so sick. I never got a chance to find out..."

Hank shook her by the shoulders when she trailed off and her head dropped to the side. "Don't you dare leave me. I won't go through that again. Open your eyes and look at me!"

"So tired. I don't want to leave. I don't want to die. Please," she sobbed.

Hank pulled off his clothes and then helped her out of hers. "I... We have to consummate our marriage so that the bond is stronger. I know you haven't, uh, been with a man-"

"It's okay. I was waiting to be married. If it needs to be done, do it quickly. I can't stay awake..."

Hank did not wait for her to pass out on him. He raised her onto his lap and positioned himself below her. "Hold on, love. This is going to hurt," he said.

She held onto his shoulders and then her nails pierced his skin when he pushed himself into her. His eyes rolled back as she clenched around him. He held her close until she finally relaxed. Slowly, he raised her so that he could slide out and then lowered her again, earning himself a soft moan from her.

He tilted her head back and pressed his lips to hers, tasting her berry flavoured lip gloss. She opened her mouth in a gasp when he pumped into her again, so he pushed his tongue into her mouth, wrapping it around hers and licking every inch of her mouth.

Her arms wrapped around his neck, lifting and brushing her wonderful, big orbs against his chest. His one hand trailed up her side so that he could feel the weight in his hand, while the other slid down her back to grab onto her rear.

Her warm blood seeping out of the hole in her stomach urged him to move faster. He needed to seal the bond so that he could share his fire with her. After a few pumps into her, she started moving by herself, bouncing on him like she'd done it before. Hank had felt the barrier tear when he pushed in. He was her first and it pleased him so much that he had to grit his teeth to hold on a bit longer.

Needing to suckle on her, just once, he pulled her shoulders back, arching her back, so that her hard pebbles were in reach of his mouth. As soon as his mouth closed over one, she pressed down on him harder. He reached between them, holding her in place with one hand and pressed against her pleasure nub with his thumb. She jerked against him, tightening her walls around his throbbing member.

He continued pumping into her, while rubbing on her little nub and suckling her breasts. First one and then the other, paying attention to both, before going back to the first one again. Her moans, the same moans he received when he rubbed her feet, almost had him releasing himself into her. Her bouncing became more urgent, begging him for more, so he complied. He pushed harder into her each time she slid down on him.

"Hank. Do it. Please, do it now," she begged through her heavy breathing.

Her walls closed around him, his cue that she was ready. Pushing harder into her, he pressed his sharp teeth against her shoulder. She grabbed his hair and pressed his head closer, crying out her release. He bit down hard, breaking her skin with his teeth, tasting her blood on his tongue and then breathed his fire into her.



Hank had grown more hands in a matter of seconds. First he squeezed her nipples, sending electric shocks down to her sensitive bud, then he had his hand between them, rubbing her into a frenzy, all the while pounding deep into her. Hands on her hips, then her skinny ass and then back up to her nipples.

She didn't mean to beg him to change her, but her head wouldn't stay clear. Her eyes drifted closed, even while she enjoyed sliding over him, building the pressure that wanted to erupt inside of her. His hair slid through her fingers like silk ribbons. His teeth against her skin pushed her over the edge, but he wouldn't let her get her release or end it.

He bit down, breaking her skin, adding the right amount of pain to keep her going for longer. He renewed his pounding, harder and more urgent than before and then her body set alight. Every blood cell, every atom that made up her body burned as he blew into the holes in her shoulder.

It went on for so long, that she hardly realised her own orgasm had ended and a new one started up again. Her nails dug into his back and her teeth closed over his shoulder to block out the scream that would upset Hawk. Her nails slid over his sweaty skin and he growled, before he blew against her wound again. Their bodies continued their slapping rhythm. Hank grunted ever so often and she couldn't stop the moans that drove him to almost taking her on the mattresses in the living room.

Hank finally let go of her shoulder and nibbled up her neck to her ear. "I want to share myself with you. Please swear that you will never leave me. You will kill me if you do."

She'd heard of mates that died when their partners were killed or rejected them after their bond sealed, but she never felt the bond sealing. Maybe she had been to wrapped up in their love making to realise it.

She didn't want to leave. Especially not now that she had given him the one part of her she never wanted to lose. If he ever tried to leave her, she would be the one that would die. Of shame. She needed to be with him. She wanted to stay. If he ever tried to trade her in for that waitress that wanted him, she would rip-

Okay. So she understood why all the books made such a big deal out of the mate-bond.

"I swear I will never leave you, as long as you never try to send me away. I will only leave if you no longer want me here, but not because I want to leave. Because you told me to."

She still had to explain what Robert did to her and he might not like her for allowing all of it to happen. She had been weak. She knew now that she could have stopped him at any time, but she allowed him to abuse her until he tried to take it further. Her hand went to her stomach where the knife had ripped through her skin. Her hand was wrapped around the knife, but she did not stab herself. She valued life more than anything money could buy.

"I will never leave you," she said again. This time with a strong voice and determination.

Suddenly, her vision blurred and images flashed through her mind, too many to make out a single one, and then something exploded inside of her, spreading through her whole body, burning in her chest, until she cried out from the pain. seconds later, she slumped against him as he found his own release.

"You have my heart. Please do not break it. Please stay with me."

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