26 Hank

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He woke up when the bed moved under him.

“Don’t wake her. She’s not well yet. Everything that pig did to her, the lack of food, lack of sleep, and then that knife wound-“

“What knife wound?” Xander asked out loud.

“Shut up. You will wake her. I’ll tell you downstairs.” Hawk turned back to Hank. “It left her weaker than she realised. She almost died. Twice. Once from that man and then the knife. She needs antibiotics, but she only has one bottle in her bag. I asked Uncle Xander to make some more. Should I give it to her?”

“Give it to me. I’ll do it,” Xander said in a softer voice.

“Dad also needs some. It gets administered through the bed. I didn’t read how it works, but you need to fill this tube next to the mattress,” Hawk pointed at it, just out of his sight. “and then it flows through the mattress to them.” To Hank he said. “Your feet are still blue. The thermal sheet only works for two hours and them it needs to charge again. The antibiotic will help. You might need to stay inside the glass for a few more hours.”

“I’ll starve before I’m able to get out of this bed. How far is the food?”

“You turned off the power you fool. We will get it done. As soon as Matteo turned the power on, the stove turned on too. Hawk already took the bread out. He’s turned into an amazing chef in the last few days. She really is good for him.” He looked at his feet then. “Guess I owe her an apology. I had no right to say those things. About either of them.”

Hank smirked at him and said, “I’ll forgive you as soon as you bring me some food.”

They filled the tube with the antibiotics Hawk found in Michelle’s bag and then closed them up again, promising food as soon as they could get some steaks cut and grilled.

Hank pulled Michelle flush against him. Her cold rear pressed right against his hard member. Her smell and naked body drove him crazy and he could hardly concentrate on what they said to him. All he wanted to do was press into her to be connected to her completely, so he did. Unfortunately, he could not do more than that. The antibiotic spread around them in a gas, seeping into their pores and lungs, pulling him into a deep sleep.

Hank woke up still connected to Michelle. He throbbed with need for her. She stirred but did not wake. Slowly, he raised her leg over his and pushed himself in deeper. She grabbed his hip, turned to look at him and then relaxed against him.

His hand slid down the inside of her leg to the pleasure nub hidden by her lips. Soon he would have a taste, but right now he needed to be inside of her. She moaned as he circle the hard pebble. She pressed her rear back, arching her back. He slid deeper, filling her completely. His hip tilted away from her as she pressed her hand against him. He slid out a bit and then pressed back in. Turning on his back, he pulled her up onto his chest.

“Put your feet on my knees,” he instructed her. When she did as he said, he pulled her arms up above her head to his shoulders. “Use your nails if you want to.”

He jerked and groaned as her nails dug into his shoulders. He pumped into her a few times until she moved with him, swirling her hips in the most delightful way each time he pushed into her.

“I want to mark you as mine,” she said suddenly.

His heart sped up and in seconds he had her straddling him, pushed back into her and pulled tight against him.

“Do it. Mark me love. Show those bitches that you own my heart.”

He jerked inside her when she licked up his neck and then started swirling her hips, driving him closer to his release.

“Love, please. I can’t take much more of this teasing,” he said in a pained cry.

As soon as her teeth pierced his skin, he let go and pounded into her, no longer afraid of breaking her, no longer afraid of losing her or making her pregnant. He needed her more than he needed the air he tried to pull into his lungs. His chest burned as she blew against the wound. His heart expanded, swelling with love and pure joy as he found his release deep inside of her.

As she cried out her own release the whole room lit up in a yellow glow.

“No! What did you do?” Hank shouted.

Colonel Seeders' Mail Order Bride, HankWhere stories live. Discover now