31 Hank

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Hank could not contain his annoyance any longer. He should have listened to Michelle. He could have been home with her and Hawk if Sebastian did not listen to whoever sent him on that wild goose chase.

Hank found no trace of the general ever being anywhere on Sector 7 and he’s flown right around the populated areas of the planet for two straight days. Most of the vampire nests looked like old abandoned buildings. Most of the Non-vamps, feeders of every species, lived in domed houses on the outskirts of the towns.

Other than few towns, mountains and hills obstructed his view as he flew around. No living animal walked freely among the trees or over the mountains. Hank didn’t even see fish when he flew over the rivers.

Why the hell did he not take the time to think things through like he always did?

The answer came to him immediately.


He wanted it to end so that she could heal and have a normal life, just like she helped him to get over what his first wife did to his son. He needed Michelle to be happy.

Currently, they all sat huddled in a cave going over their options, when suddenly the woman with the purple hair appeared before them with a loud lightning crack.

“Before you draw any weapons, I will be gone. I’m only here because I know who sent you the tip and to warn you that they went after your wife,” she said, looking straight at Hank. “I didn’t know she was pregnant and when I saw you and your boy, I knew Simmons was behind all of it.”

“You had to know if you’re working for that filthy vampire!” Hank growled, his hand frozen on his blaster.

“I didn’t know that I was working for him until that day in the hospital. I took that fat whale out of there, killed him and went after Simmons myself. Unfortunately, people I trusted also works for Simmons and the general.” She turned to Sebastian then. “If you find him, kill him. I know he is your father, but you will be doing him a disservice by keeping him alive. He is mentally linked to Simmons, the reason why I can’t track that bastard. It’s not like what I did with your wife,” She addressed Hank again. “which I will regret for the rest of my life. The link that Simmons has on the general goes deeper. Mentally, physically, the works. He is the general, if you understand my meaning. His blood courses through the general. Kill the general, you sever the tie and weaken that blood sucking bastard. The tip came from Frebasch’s wife. He’s controlling her too.”

She walked to the entrance of the cave and looked around.

“I have to leave. If they track me here, you will be in danger. Bragh’shcul, get home to your wife, kill the general and if you find Simmons, don’t let him escape again. I’ll do what I can to clear a path to your ship. It’s being watched. I’ll do everything in my power to make up for what I did to your wife, but I don’t expect you to forgive me. I just need to know one thing. When she stabbed herself, was she pregnant? Did I harm your babies?”

“No!” Hank said, without elaborating. He could not let anyone know that he gave away half of his heart-fire. “Would it have made a difference if she was?”

“A big difference.” She shook out her purple hair and took a deep breath. “Give me a five minute head start and then head straight home. Go save your family.”

Her voice had gone so sad, that Hank almost felt sorry for her, but he could not forget what she did.

She disappeared again, deafening them all in the hollow, quiet cave.

And then his heart rate sped up and sweat broke out on his lip and forehead.

“Dad! Help!”

Hank grabbed Eddie’s blaster, pulled out his own and ran to the entrance of the cave, spreading his wings.

“He’s at my house!” he growled as he jumped into the air.

Bodies hung out of the mouths of caves, heads sliced clean off. A few stragglers that she must have missed died as blue projectiles left holes in their bodies. The woman appeared a distance away from him, sliced through a bunch of vamps with a glowing blade, and then disappeared again, just to appear near another cave again.

When he killed a few more vampires right above her, she turned to him, gave him a nod and then disappeared for good.

He made it to Sebastian’s beast, the red and black monstrosity that he insisted on flying in, and started up the engines as he waited for the others to join him.

“Hold on Hawk. I’m coming.” He whispered and then shouted, “Sebastian! Hurry!”

“Move. I’m here.”

Hank gave the empty blaster back to Eddy, who sat bouncing his leg, as restless as Hank felt. Bridgette looked like she lost all emotions, staring out of the side window. And Sebastian fumbled around in his haste to get them up into the air. If Hank could survive flying in his dragon form, in outer space, he would have left them all there and flown back home.

Two long hours later, without another word from Hawk, no feeling or emotion from Michelle, they finally landed in front of his house.

Hank stumbled and fell to his hands and knees when he saw his son laying in the doorway in a pool of his own blood.

Eddy ran passed him, calling for Michelle, and then kneeled next to Hawk. “Hank, he’s still alive!”

Hank jumped up, collected his son’s limp body in his arms and ran up the stairs to the medical bed in Michelle’s room.

No sign of her as he laid Hawk down. She ran off to protect herself and left Hawk to die. She brought her bad luck on them just as she said she would. Had she planned it all along? Who else was in on it?

“Get out of my house!”

Sebastian held up his hands in surrender and said, “Hank we’re here to help-“

“Get out! All of you get out! If I see any of you near my house or son again, I will kill all of you!”

All three of them rushed down the stairs and a minute later, the craft buzzed up into the air.

Hank closed the dome and laid his head down on it to watch his son.

If she ever came back, he would make her pay for leaving Hawk alone.

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