4•"nice underwear.black lace is my favourite"

Start from the beginning

"Excuse you! I am NOT a tangerine and I don't care if this is your cereal! I'm hungry" I say and he laughs and grabs a bowl himself.

"I'm in the same boat, anyway to relax your fears of me being some random weirdo who snuck on the bus. Let me introduce myself, I'm Ethan, I'm from New Jersey and I have a twin brother. I record videos of the shows for promos,videos and the movie of the tour. I am 19 turning 20 in October and I would really like you to move so I can grab a spoon"

I shift from the kitchen and absorb the information he just told me. So he's on this team on the bus. I wonder what other young,hot boys are on this tour also. NOT.

"Well, I'll introduce myself then. I'm Cindy, I'm an intern here taking pictures hopefully to bag a job. I'm 18 and I'm from Arizona, I have two sisters, I love giraffes and Lucky Charms as you can tell if you heard the squeal of delight when I spotted them. I'm currently jet lagged, cranky and hungry so I would really like you to move Ethan so I can eat in peace" I sassily snap back and he again lets out another chuckle.

I slide into the booth and begin to eat, Ethan slides in front of me and I roll my eyes. Can't a girl just binge on Lucky Charms and pick at her nail polish in peace!

"Cheer up buttercup. Anyway what one of the pictures was yours which won the contest?" He says with a mouthful of cereal.

I scrunch up my nose in disgust as I see the milk slither down his chin.
"The one at the bar with all the lights. I was at some gig on campus and got bored" I fiddle with my spoon as I remember the night.

Sierra dragged me out with her because Cam was sick and I sat in the corner the whole night. Turns out the band was actually 3 guys from college who wanted to be the first band to rap screamo to cheesy pop songs. Yep, fun night.

"That one was awesome, seriously a cool photo" Ethan says and I smile slightly at him breaking out of my hostile,grumpy mood.

"Thanks. I'm really proud of it actually" I say and pop a rainbow marshmallow in my mouth."How long have you been touring for?"

"Oh not that long, I'm actually a friend of Ashton's so he invited me to record the guys when they first did a tour. It was super fun and awesome so Zoe offered me a permanent spot, I left America and here I am" he says with a wiggle of his dark eyebrows.

"Wow, sounds like the life of it" I say while leaning back in the booth. Ethan was the luckiest person in the world to me. Getting to leave it all and do what he loves.

"Oh it is. I miss my brother Grayson sometimes, and my parents of course but we FaceTime all the time so it's all good. Did you leave your home?"

"Yeah kinda. I lived with my friend Sierra in a dorm room at college, So I'm kind of used to being away from home" I reply and he nods while looking at me with those precious damning eyes. I blush slightly as I look down at my bowl.

He nods as if he understands what I mean and after about 30 minutes of chatting and flicking pieces of soggy marshmallow at eachother I feel my eyes start to droop.

Yawning loudly, I stretch my legs and toes and rub my eyes.

"I'm actually starting to feel a little tired now" I say and rest my chin in my hands.

"Am I really that boring!" Ethan says pretending to be hurt as he holds his heart in fake shock.

I let out a sleepy laugh and stand up to wash my bowl and dry it. Ethan follows me silently and washes his bowl and puts the box back in the cupboard.

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