"What? Chat Noir, what's wrong?"

"I saw you - just now. How are you still alive?" He pulled her closer - if that was even possible. 

"What do you mean?" She asked, pushing away to see his face. "What are you talking about?" 

His - his eyes were glimmering - he was about to cry. What had he seen?

"You were just on the roof of that building, and I saw you fall - and - and I thought you h-had -"

"Shh, I'm okay, I'm fine. It wasn't real," whispered Marinette as she lifted a hand to the back of his head and pulled him down to her, so his forehead was resting on her shoulder. "I'm right here, see?" 

She was never on the roof - and she had never fallen. Why had he seen that? And he was so shaken - he was trembling in her arms and it made her heart ache. He was terrified and she felt so, so sad and she didn't know why. 

"When did you see this?" She asked.

"Just now," he murmured. "I was on the roof next to you and I saw it happen."

Was he hallucinating? 

"You scared me so much, Marinette."

The words touched her heart with tentative fingers and it throbbed. "It wasn't real, Chat Noir. It didn't happen."

He shuddered and pulled himself together, distancing their bodies and taking his warmth with him. "I don't know why that happened. I didn't mean to bother you," he said, looking away and scratching the back of his head. 

"No - you didn't. Are you okay?"


Marinette looked around and grabbed Chat's arm, tugging him after her. People in the streets were staring and she didn't want to be the center of attention - especially now. Not when Chat Noir had seen something that never happened - and it was about her.

He had seen her fall off the roof - but had he seen her on the ground before the vision? No - because he would have said something. What he had seen - he thought it had been real, and if he had seen her beforehand, then it would have ruined the affect. 

Then why had he seen the vision when she actually happened to be there? 

She dragged him into an alley and made sure he was okay. He nodded, his eyes no longer watering and his body no longer shaking - though he still looked uneasy. She had to get back to school. Her lunch hour was almost up. She went to say goodbye to the hero when she heard something.

A woman - laughing. The sound echoed off of the walls and sent chills down her spine. She couldn't tell where it came from and she shivered.

Chat Noir had just pulled out his baton and was about to launch himself upwards when she called to him. "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

She didn't feel too good about this. 


After she had encountered Chat Noir and he had that strange vision, she had gone back to school and finished the day. When she got home, she continued working on her missing lessons and spent hours on them before she was ready to sleep.

That night, Marinette had a dream.

She was falling from the sky, her arms out in front of her. She was Ladybug. She came closer to the ground, and slammed into a boy clad in a black cat suit. Her yoyo tangled them together and they swung upside down from his baton.

"Hey, nice of you to drop in," he said with a grin, despite them hanging upside down.

"I'm sorry," she winced. "I didn't do it on purpose."

They freed themselves from her yoyo and he landed on his feet. He smiled at her - a nice smile. One she had never seen before. "I bet you're the partner my kwami told me about."

Yes, she had never met this boy before today.

"I'm...Chat Noir."

The world swirled like mist and disappeared, and she saw when Chat Noir and her defeated Stoneheart. When they had failed the first time because she had never captured Stoneheart's akuma and she felt terrible, but Chat Noir had told her she could do it, that she was amazing, and she had already saved lives. If it were not for her, they would all be doomed. So she had captured the akuma and told all of Paris that they would find and defeat Hawkmoth. She saw when Chat Noir looked at her like she was the world.

Like he had loved her - even though they had just met.

She saw every akuma they had faced - when they spent hours laughing at Mr. Damocles and his poor attempts at heroism and their trying to stop him, when he turned into an akumatized victim and they almost found out each other's identities.

Marinette saw when Chat Noir had been sad about Ladybug not showing up to the dinner he had prepared and she had been sad about Adrien not showing up when her and her friends all had ice cream together. He had landed on her balcony and shown her the dinner as Marinette, and she had felt guilty - so guilty that she hadn't shown up. But she hadn't liked Chat Noir. No, she was in love with Adrien.

And Adrien was not Chat Noir.

And she saw when Chat Noir kissed her cheek and she blushed as he left and suddenly that black cat had seemed deeper to her - more like he deserved a chance and she really wouldn't mind looking at him that way except she was in love with Adrien and she wouldn't push that to the side.

So she had forgotten how she felt in that moment and refused to look back because even if they ever became like that - it would never last. Could never, not with the masks.

And Marinette's heart seized. And she awoke.


The girl yawned, groaning at the blaring coming from beside her. What was that annoying sound? She shifted and opened her eyes.

Where was she?

She pushed herself up off of an elevated loft bed, the pink covers falling around her waist. She spotted a smart phone with an alarm on it - she turned it off and looked around.

This bedroom wasn't hers. No, she -

Who was she? What was her name? What did she look like?

"Marinette? You're going to be late, sweetie. You need to get up."

A woman with dark hair and slanted eyes appeared from a trapdoor in the floor below. "Marinette?"

The woman spotted her and began to smile when she saw her face.

"What's wrong, honey? Are you feeling okay?"

"Who are you?" the girl asked. 

E N D  O F  P A R T  O N E

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