The Visitor

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Diana's POV

I sat quietly in the spot that was my hiding spot, my eyes darting about looking for signs of an impending attack. Those boys were my charges now, and I was sworn to protect them, with my life if need be.

I raised a hand to my temple and concentrated. I hadn't done this in a long time, so I was hoping that it wouldn't drain me too much. But I needed to know what was going on below! Soon, I was on the boys' mind connections. The common bridge of telepathy that they shared with other was stronger than anything I'd ever seen in a while. I situated myself and prepared to listen. I jolted, when I felt something, or someone trying to push me out. I growled in annoyance. "Victor you fool, it's me" I hissed mentally. The pushing stopped, and a feeling of sheepishness and many other's curiosity and amusement trickled across. 

"You care about us, you looove us" Gabriel sing-songed over the channel. I snorted. "Pretend I'm not even here. Don't give anything away. Ii'll be watching boys." I conveyed to them all, as Owen slowly opened the door. Sounds of agreements trickled over, before everyone directed their collective attention to the visitor. I gasped as I saw who it was. No. It couldn't be! He was supposed to be least three decades ago.....

"Boss!" Sean greeted amicably, acting shocked. "I heard that you boys were dead. But someone spotted activity around the house, and I had to come here for myself to make sure" He intoned passively, his eyes sweeping over the team. He walked in, without waiting for further invitation, bringing an entourage of men with him.  

Everyone tensed, seeing that the Academy men that he had brought along were armed with weapons. "Debrief!" He barked. Owen stepped up, and I watched carefully through their eyes as some of Phil's men wandered over the house, deeper in. "Well sir, we entered the cave, and we retrieved the object. However, after that, we can't remember anything. The next thing we knew, we were here again." Owen lied. "The object. Do you have the object??" Phil demanded, a crazed look in his eye, as he walked around the room, inspecting everything. Owen looked unsure, sneaking glances at Axel. "We..uh" he hesitated."Lie to him. He knows about the lamp. Tell him that the person who hired you asked for the largest ruby." I instructed. To my pleasure, none of them made any indication that I had just spoken.  Axel took over. "Boss, the client wanted only the largest ruby we could find. We took that, and while we were trying to leave, we blacked out and we were here again" Axel said. Phil nodded, not giving any indication before he slapped Owen. "Don't ever hesitate again" He snarled. I grit my teeth. He walked over to Axel, who had concealed anger in his eyes. "I asked him not YOU!" He yelled, sucker punching Axel. He doubled over, coughing. North made to move, but one of the Academy men raised his weapons against the team. "Don't even think about it" Phil goaded. 

"Expect your next mission soon" He barked, leaving the house with no ceremony.

They waited till everyone had left, before rushing over to help Owen and Axel, who were still on the ground. I rushed down too, ensuring that the house was locked everywhere and the windows were all illusioned to show the boys doing something else to anyone who was watching from the outside.

"Relax" I hushed, taking a deep breath and letting my magic rush over all of them, as I knelt next to  the nearest- Axel. They let out a collective sigh as the calmness of the healing magic washed over them. 

"You can do that?" Luke asked excitedly poking me gingerly on the arm. "You're real right?" He asked tugging my hair like a child. I shot him a look and stood.  Axel and Owen stood too, with the help of their brothers. "Thank you Dia-" "You need to break whatever deal it is you have with that man." I interupted Axel. "Who, Phil?" North questioned. I nodded. "Is that what he calls himself now?" I asked rolling my eyes. "If you want your your brothers, to live, I strongly suggest you listen to me Owen" I warned him, looking straight into his gorgeous eyes. Wait, not gorgeous- I mean perfectly not-perfect normal eyes with eyeballs inside. Ugh Diana, you're making it worse. 

"Why?" He intoned. I glared at him. "Do what I fucking say! Or kill him if you can't break the deal. Or hire someone to kill him! Just get him out of your lives. Before it is too damned late!" I yelled. "Why are you so scared of him. You've never seen him before today." Sean observed, neutrally. "Earlier, you said 'is that what he's calling himself now' What exactly, do you" Dakota the smart, observant one pointed out. "Cookie to you for observation," I said, conjuring a cookie and putting it in his hands. "Owen, get rid of him, now!" I snapped at him. 

"And why should I, Diana? You've explained nothing. We know nothing about you, let alone know you. You just happened to be someone who saved our lives in that cave, and we felt obligated to do the same for you. We didn't invite you to our house. We didn't ask for any of this. Phil took us in when we were nothing-vermin on the streets. And you, a stranger is asking me now to betray his trust in us, with no reason whatsoever? If anything, Diana, it's you we should get rid of." He hissed. "Owen!" Sean scolded, looking horrified.

I heard a few gasps at the cruelty in Owen's words. Tears pricked at my eyes. The cuff burned me and I caught their winces as the cuff stung them too. I guess the cuff only stung them, while it burned me. I grabbed my arm in pain and glared at Owen while tears clouded my vision. I took a deep shuddering breath and let out a shaky fake laugh. "I have nothing to gain from lying to you Master Owen. But I understand" I bowed sarcastically. "If you're in trouble, I'll find you. Don't look for me. And don't ever say, that I didn't warn you." 

"Diana wait-" I snapped my fingers and teleported to an alley that I knew would be deserted. It always was. I conjured up a cloak and changed my features to those who saw me. Unfortunately, my illusion would not work on the boys. But it didn't matter anymore. Clearly they didn't want me there. I'd have to make a living somehow, so I would start back where I began.

I walked to the largest and busiest bar in the city- Markashery. I smiled wistfully, breathing in the familiar scents and atmosphere. It was so long since I was here. I walked to the nearest game and sat myself in. "Hey lady. You need money to play here. 1000creds minimum." One of the players gruffly informed me. Wow, the currency has weakened. I smirked, and shrugged off my coat to reveal my...exotic outfit underneath. "How much is a night  with me worth?" I asked, sultrily. He grinned. "Let's play" I nodded, hiding my smirk "Let's play..."

Before the night was over, I'd won over 30,000 credits, and a nice little house. Unfortunately, it was near the boys' neighborhood but beggars couldn't be choosers. And I'd also given the guy who lost one of his new houses enough money to get new one. For his silence. Cost me around 10000 credits, but the house was worth way more. Besides, he saved me the time of scouting for one and signing the paperwork and all that messy intricacies. I teleported to my new house, and went straight to bed. It was new, but well furnished and still unused. Rich people, I thought, rolling my eyes. I set some protective barriers around the house which would protect me while I slept. Perks of being me. I thought about why I was in this house, and it sent fresh waves of pain through me. Didn't Owen get that I was just trying to help? I let the tears roll down my cheeks. 

I didn't want what happened to my happen to them. 

Hey guys new chapter up! Hope you guys enjoyed this one and it tides you over till the next update!

 If you haven't read/are unaware, I have a new fic on A03. My user is tasmanianswan  so I'll be updating between there and here. It's a poly fic too..just with Avengers ;)

Have you guys watched Infinity War? Reviews? Let's try not to give spoilers for those who haven't seen it yet <3 :)

Thanos Demands Your Silence

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