Chapter 8: Back Plus One

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It was a weird sensation. It felt like they were being stretched in all directions yet being squeezed. In a flash, it was over.

Dakota was the first to open his eyes and recover. "We're back!" He gasped. His brothers rolled on their floor groaning as they slowly got their bearings. "Great... Let's never do that again..." Luke mumbled getting to his feet. "Diana!!" He cried, seeing her limp form sprawled out next to Marc and Victor who were also awake.

His cry got the attention of the rest of his brothers and they stumbled over. Sean knelt next to her, taking some vital checks. "North, my medical bag. I need it." He instructed face pinched in concentration. North nodded jerkily, and ran to get the bag.

"Her pulse. It's weak. Vic, Marc you okay?" He asked hurriedly. "Yeah, we're good. She saved us..." Marc mumbled. "And now; we save her." Owen said determinedly, staring at her bleeding form, a spear in her side.

North returned with the bag and Sean rummaged through, grabbing some vials and tools. "Right. I'll need you to heat this up till it is red hot. " He instructed passing his scalpel to Raven. "I need wet warm washcloths. A basin, with hot water. A pillow for her head so that she doesn't choke and I'll need one of your belts for her to bite down on. Gabriel, hair tie, to keep her hair out of the way. Marc, Victor, I want you both to rest, so drink lots of water till I can come over and check you out!"

The boys moved quickly intent on saving Diana. With all the required items on hand, Sean nodded. "Now you'll need to hold her down, okay? She'll thrash and because I don't know how she'll respond to anesthetics so I'm not giving her any. Owen, I need you to link up with her. Communicate, soothe her, calm her." Owen pressed his fingers to her sweaty temple and closed his eyes in concentration. "Ready?" He asked. Everyone nodded in concentration.

With steady hands, he pressed the scalpel to her side. Her body arched and she let out a choked gasp. Her eyes frantically searched her surroundings and found the men surrounding her. You were hit Diana, by one of the spears. Sean's working to take it out of you right now. 

Hm. She snorted mentally. Not worth it... She told them all, before passing out from the pain once more. "Sean?" Owen asked, worried. "Almost....." His brother responded absently, his focus on Diana. With a sigh, he tossed the spear aside and began stitching her up. A few tense moments later, he snipped the thread."There, I've done what I could. She's lucky that it didn't hit any vital organs or arteries. Now, recovery's up to her really. We've done the best. " 

"Are none of us seeing the.... scars?" Luke spoke up

The other guys watched in shock as a sort of glamor dissipated from her skin exposing some scars on her arms and torso. "She must have had some sort of skin glamor on this whole time...?" Axel mused, eyes dark with anger. 

"Oh, enough with all your bimbo moments" Gabriel scolded, placing a thick blanket over her. "Give the girl some space. She saved all our sorry asses and almost got killed during it. Does that warrant all your questions and stares?" he asked raising a brow. He rolled his eyes "Don't answer, okay. C'mon let's not crowd her okay?"

"Y'all should go sleep. It's been a long long day" Sean commented.

"Da. I will be sleeping next to our beauty". Raven said, shucking his shirt. 

"JESUS, Raven, don't strip! I guess I'll stay here too, to watch them." Brandon decided, his hand half over his eyes. 

"I guess that I'll sleep here too...too lazy to move up" Victor said, settling on some blankets.

"In that case-" Nathan started

Gabriel rolled his eyes. "OKAY we get it. Everyone's gonna sleep here with her, since no one seems to want to leave." He eyed his brothers who avoided his eyes and started settling themselves around her.

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