Chapter 3: In Motion

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Yay new chapter ahead!

Another crowded day at the marketplace. Traders selling illegal wares alongside necessities. The Royal Enforcers had once tried to curb the sale of illegal wares in Lhitedeys, but the market simply went underground. Soon enough it became an open secret that the Monarchy gave up enforcing, lest they face a rebellion. 

It was clear to all, that the Monarchs and the Underground had made an agreement. So, businesses came above ground once more. Which leads us to the present situation. Amongst the loud chatter, and bargaining merchants, no one paid mind to the figure shrouded in shadows in one of the alleys. The figure pressed one hand to his ear, ''Is everyone in position?'' he hissed.

''Ringleader reporting. I have eyes on everyone, in position. '' Dakota said over their earpieces. Old World tech, really was handy.

''I hear you, Ringleader. Medji, Archer, do we have eyes on the precious cargo? '' Owen asked 

''Big Daddy, we have eyes on cargo, coming in, ETA, 6minutes.'' Silas reported

''Copy. Color, is Candy ready for performance?'' 

Gabriel snorted. ''Yeah, he's looking candied up alright. Candy in position. This is Color, going back to base.''

''See you on the other side, Color.'' Owen acknowledged, scaling one of the nearby buildings. Narrowing his eyes, he watched the group as they entered the marketplace.

A loud exhale went through the coms. ''Showtime,'' Nathan said

''Here's to freedom.'' Raven chanted, the others echoing the phrase.

''Hey! Stop! Thief!!'' A feminine cry was heard. A lithe, muscular brunette with scars on his face ran and leapt over stalls. ''Heading to you, Red'' he huffed. Looking behind, he saw that the guards were catching up. ''Fuck! Candy to Grizzly. I need some breathing space.'' As soon as the words left his lips a couple of barrels rolled into the path of the pursuing guards, making the first few trip, while slowing down the rest. 

''Thanks,bro'' Luke said stifling a grin. The guards cursed at the clumsy merchant who had dropped his barrels, before taking off after the thief once more. The merchant mumbled something, hiding his smirk.

''Well done, Grizzly. You're done here, head on back to base. ''

''Copy, Big Daddy.'' North stalked off in another direction, stacking his borrowed barrels next to a random stall. Under the heavy disguise, no one recognized him as a Blacknight.

''I have eyes on you, Candy. Take the next left, there is an ambush ahead.'' 

''I hear you, Archer. Thanks,'' He panted, somersaulting over a passing wagon.

''Red, you're up''.  Luke let out a large puff of air as he crashed into the sandy floor. He moaned in pain a little. ''Get up and get out of there Candy!'' 

Forcing himself to his feet, Luke pushed off on his feet and sped off faster than he had before. Nathan held the bracelet in his calloused hand pretending to shout at Luke as he ran off. The guards caught up later rather than sooner. 

''Our Lady would be most thankful that you have braved facing a dangerous thief to retrieve her bracelet.'' The main guard, a captain by the looks of it, spoke up. 

Nathan held his hand behind his back and made himself look bashful. 

''He's not blushing hard enough!'' Luke hissed from where he was now disguised an a foreign merchant, with a cloth wrapped around his face and his clothes changed. Silas boomed through the com ''Red, remember when we had you run naked around the market when we were 10? And the old lady offered her goodies in exchange for a little feelin'? ''

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