Chapter 11//Michaels pranks

Start from the beginning

We giggled our way out of the bedroom trying not to disturb her. Mikey brought the eyeliner and lipstick with him.

Michael opened the fridge and took out the can of whipped cream. We then tip-toed quietly into Ashton and Calum's bedroom. They were still asleep as well in their room.

Calum was on Ashton's bed cuddling with him.

Ashton's arms was around Calum.

"Awww." Michael whispered with a smile.

First we went over to Ashton and put eyeliner all over his eyebrows and put lipstick circles all over his face.

Me and Mikey couldn't hold in our laughter, it was to funny. Then we put some cream on Calum's hands.

When we were done in their bedroom we went into the kitchen and filled a bucket of water we found on the balcony.

"Luke will be so pissed." Michael snickered. We tip-toed into Luke's bedroom.

"Now are you ready Lucy?" Michael whispered.

"Yep." I giggled.

"Now when I throw the bucket of water on top of Luke we run into Ashton and Calum's room, start tickling Calum's face then we just get chased around the hotel rooms." Michael snickered.

"One...two...three...GO!" Michael shouted. He threw the bucket of water on top of poor Luke.

Luke woke up with a start saw Michael and ran after him.

"MICHAEL I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" He shouted while laughing at Michael.
Then we ran into Ashton and Calum's room.

Luke was still running after us.

We tickled Calum's face and he slapped himself in the face with a handful of cream.

"OH MY GOD YOU ASS!" He shouted.

Calum and Luke chased me and Mikey everywhere.

"I'm going to get ya!" Luke warned playfully.

Luke was right behind me. He grabbed my waist and picked me up into a hug.

"Ah I'm soaking!" Luke laughed.

"Ahhh Luke you're cold!" I screamed.

Calum jumped on top of Michael wrestling him to the ground.

"I'll save you!" Bellowed Calum getting up off Michael, and began running to us taking hold of me and grabbing me from Luke.

Now Calum was carrying me.

"Calum you have a little bit of cream there." I giggled pointing to his forehead.

"Yeah I've noticed." Calum replied  with a laugh.

"Hey guys what's going on?" Ashton asked who was standing in the doorway.

He had make-up all over his face!

"Sorry to break it to you Ashton but you have something on your face." Luke giggled.

"What? What is it?" He asked terrified of what was on his face.

"Take a look for yourself." Calum laughed whilst pointing to the bathroom.

"Okay." Ashton replied suspiciously.

He walked into the bathroom and looked at his face in the mirror.

"MICHAEL SERIOUSLY!" Ashton shouted running after Michael.

"How do you know it was me?" Michael laughed still running away from Ashton.

"Who else would give me a makeover?" Ashton replied with a smile.

"IM GONNA RIP YOU TO SHREDS CLIFFORD!" Ri shouted from her bedroom.

"Oh no." Michael sounded terrified.

"We should all just run out of the hotel room." Calum suggested.

"Good thinking." Michael agreed.

We all sprinted out of the hotel room in our night clothes to the car park. Ashton still had lipstick and eyeliner all over his face. Calum was still carrying me.

We all piled into the car. Ashton started the car and we were off.

"So where do we want to go?" Ashton asked.

"First we go to the mall to buy some clothes." Michael laughed looking around at all of our night clothes.

"Good idea." I agreed.

"Then let's go to the fun fair just beside the beach!" Michaels lit up excitedly.

"I've always wanted to go to the carnival!" I screamed.

"Then let's go!" Luke celebrated.

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