Chapter 7

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I glanced at Newt and he was staring at me, his eyes glistening from his tears. We sat like that for awhile until I spoke.
"So why are you crying?"

"I can't say."

"Newt, you can tell me anything."

"You'll laugh at me."

"I pinky promise I won't."

He took a big breath at the n he began.
"Uh.. I really like you Emily. Not just as friends but more. I love your personality, the way you put others first, the way you can bounce straight back up, the way you find the light in the dark and the way you make me feel. When you're around you're my sunshine, the light in my life, the person that gives me hope. Now I know you don't feel the sa-"

I cut him off my kissing him. I put my hand on his neck as we kissed. His hand was on my waist. It was filled with passion and emotion and again I knew he was my glue. I pulled away only for air and we looked into each others joy and pure joy plastered on to each of our smiling faces.

"I like you to, Newt." I whispered with our foreheads touching. "So what does this make us?" I asked.

"Well, Emily, would you like to be my girlfriend?"

"Yes." I was so happy, tears were in my eyes. And then Newt pulled me into another kissed. I smiled into it and that smile was going to last for eternity.

"So are we gonna tell the others." I ask.

"I wasn't going to." Newt replies.

"Perfect." And then we kiss again but with more passion. Newt slips his arm around my waist and the other on my neck as he intensifies the kiss. I could feel butterflies exploding in my stomach as his hands went up to my hair as we pulled away and grinned at each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2018 ⏰

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